"Fuehrer befiehl. Wir folgen." ("Fueher orders. We follow".)
Or as Chris Matthews might say, "Give us our orders."
The headline of the Nazi Party paper, Voelkischer Beobachter, actually reads, "Reichstag surrenders authority to Adolf Hitler".
Hot tip to Hot Air
Maybe so, at least that's the impression Chris is giving this week as he laments President Obama's lack of leadership. What is really raising eyebrows is his comment, "Give us our orders".
In fairness, maybe Chris means that is what Obama should tell "the People"-not Chris and his journalist pals. However, with Matthews, he has laid the groundwork for those who would accuse him of meaning himself and his colleagues in the press.
It is really amazing that Matthews, a man who has shamelessly lionized the President, is now wondering why Obama has not told us his solutions for all those pressing problems he (Matthews) lists on his fingers. I can answer that one, Chris.
He has no solutions.
1 comment:
Matthews speaks like a liberal. What did you expect from a liberal, anyway?
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