Yesterday, feckless DOJ official Lanny Breuer testified before Congress and tried to take the blame for Fast and Furious. All he did was muddy the waters even more.
“I regret that in April of 2010 that I did not draw the connection between 'Wide Receiver' and 'Fast and Furious,' and moreover I regret that even earlier this year I didn’t draw that connection," he said.
Ah yes. "Mistakes were made" (quotes mine). "I didn't draw the connection" (quotes his). It was that Bush operation (which involved guns being lost from surveillance).
These people are just digging themselves deeper and deeper.
Today's PJ Media take on Breuer's testimony underlines the silliness of the idea that Fast and Furious only went as high as Breuer's desk. The operation was also being discussed at the same time between ATF Phoenix Agent in Charge Wiulliam Newell and White House official Kevin O'Reilly.
Breuer's attempt to fall on his sword on behalf of Holder just doesn't hold water.
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Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus
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