"It's OK."
Last night, MSNBC's sanctimonious Lawrence O'Donnell proved beyond doubt that when it comes to looniness, he is in the same league as his cohorts on MSNBC. Just like Ed Schultz, O'Donnell is on the Convict Cain bandwagon. It doesn't matter to Larry that we don't know the identities of the accusers and we don't know the specific allegations. Cain is guilty. Get the rope!
Last night, Larry brought in two of MSNBC's "experts". That would be the ever-so-lovely Richard Wolffe (That's spelled with two ffs and an e), and some "MSNBC contributer" named....are you ready for this?
Toure (Toe-ray-with an accent mark over the e).
Well, anyway, Wolffe and Toure went on to explain that Cain is really nothing more than a "showcase you-know-what" for the Tea Party so they can't be called racists. Where have we heard that before?
After a break, O'Donnell came back with his stunning offer. He implored the Cain accusers to break their non-disclosure agreement with the National Restaurant Association and come forward. He explained that legality aside, there was the political aspect to consider, which trumped legality. The National Restaurant Association would not dare sue them for breaking the agreement because half of Congress would close their doors to them (the Democratic side, obviously ).
"You can come forward. It's OK", implored Larry. Then, as he leaned into the camera with eyes growing larger, he made this stunning offer:
He (Lawrence O'Donnell) would guarantee any legal expenses or damages the ladies might incur.
Yes, folks. When you have the billions of Lawrence O'Donnell backing you up, no risk is too great.
Then Larry made the mistake of bringing in LA lawyer Lisa Bloom, who just happens to be the daughter of Gloria Allred....
Lisa, with an amused smile on her face, diplomatically explained to O'Donnell that indeed, the ladies would be liable to a lawsuit for recovery of monies paid to them plus damages. At this point, Larry thanked her for her time and switched her off.
After that, Larry told us he was going to have a report from Oakland, where the little Occupy heroes had successfully shut down the shipyard, but I just couldn't stay awake any longer.
However, I will make this offer to Larry O'Donnell: If you will put up the legal expenses for the Cain accusers, I will add my own little contribution by flying them to your studio in my own corporate jet.
Nice plane, Gary.
If I were Cain, I would say, "I am running for President against Barrack Obama who has sealed all school and other records about his past. If he will release all those for public review, I will release the agreement the Restaurant Association made with the alleged victim. All the rest of my records are already in the open."
It is unconscionable of the press not to make an issue about a man who refuses to allow anyone to learn anything about his background. They are simply a support group for Obama and should not represent themselves as journalists.
Who cares? There are much better reasons to reject Cain. Why focus on this drivel? The entire bevy of characters who want President Obama's job have shown themselves to be a pack of fools. The net result is inevitable. The election can't come soon enough.
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