
Monday, October 3, 2011

Hizb-ut-Tahrir Has Another Conquer the World Conference in Chicago

This past July, that radical outfit called Hizb-ut-Tahrir, which calls for a world-wide Islamic caliphate, held another conference in the Chicago area. Below is a video of an unnamed speaker describing what the caliphate will look like. (Hat tip to Answering Muslims)

Below is a description of the conference by the Anti Defamation League:

But don't take the word of Hizb-ut-Tahrir's opponents. Here is their own website (Hizb-ut-Tahrir in America).


Miggie said...

I just read parts of the last link. I was surprised to learn that we are living on Muslim land! They preceded us here and therefore we are oppressive "occupiers."

Here is the ridiculous quote:

"America's historical roots and connections with the outside world are normally reference to the time of Christopher Columbus, who is credited of leading the discovery of America. However, various research studies have pointed out that approximately seven centuries before Columbus visit, the Muslims travellers from the land of Caliphate had landed in America, and established roots in it.

Various archaeological excavations, including coins, tools and utensils have shown the existence of Muslims in America. Also, linguistic and philological analyses of languages and settlement names in America show similarity with those used by Muslims in Abbasids Caliphate."

Gary Fouse said...


Next they'll claim the Land of Oz.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

He doesn't sound like a man capable of ruling -- not even incompetently, not even by sheer terror. He just doesn't have what it takes to manage anything. He can't even talk about it coherently enough to call this a plan.

Also, he seems ignorant of the fact that the Quraysh cleverly put themselves at the head of the Muslim movement as soon as the Prophet was dead, leading the conquest out of the Arabian peninsula, and providing several generations of hereditary caliphs. And he talks about the rule of the Quraysh was broken?

Very sad.