
Friday, October 7, 2011

Fast and Furious: The Memos to Holder

"Guns? Memos? What guns? What memos?"

Hat tip to Pajamas Media

Bob Owens of Pajamas Media writes about weekly memos that Eric Holder was receiving in the dark days before he had "first heard" about Fast and Furious.

"The Attorney General told Issa during a House Judiciary Committee in May 2011 that he had just learned of Fast and Furious a few weeks before. Yet, on January 31, in a previously scheduled meeting, Grassley personally handed him two letters about Fast and Furious. Grassley and Issa said they find it very troubling that Holder actually knew of Operation Fast and Furious much earlier, and in greater detail than he ever let on.

The memos specifically said that the straw buyers were “responsible for the purchase of 1500 firearms that were then supplied to Mexican drug trafficking cartels.”

“With the fairly detailed information that the Attorney General read, it seems the logical question for the Attorney General after reading in the memo would be ‘why haven’t we stopped them?’” Grassley said. “And if he didn’t ask the questions, why didn’t he or somebody in his office?”

-PJ Media

Obviously, these were not routine memos. These memos were telling Holder the details of  a boffo program that was going terribly wrong.

Holder is either lying or he is the most incompetent attorney general in history. The only other plausible explanation is the Woodrow Wilson defense. In other words, he suffered a debilitating stroke early in his tenure and has been lying in a bed in Main Justice while his wife runs the DOJ.

"That's the ticket! Why didn't I think of that?"

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