"Let's cross out this reference to Hitler being German."
Hat tip to Daily Caller
Cross-posted below is Kenneth Timmerman's report in the Daily Caller on the unwillingness of the Holder Justice Department to face reality when it comes to terror.
How timely. This past week, I posted an article on the speaking appearance at UC Irvine of Hedieh Mirahmadi, an Iranian-American Muslim, who defends her faith while condemning the Islamist movement and its apologists. She told us that when she works with the US government, she cannot even use the term "Islamists". She has to use the term "radical extremists".
Is it truly an affront to American Muslims to use the words "Islamists" or even "Islam" or "Muslim" when referring to terrorists-when they are almost uniformly Muslim? Was it an affront to German-Americans in World War II to use terms like "German" when referring to Hitler and the Nazis, whom we were fighting? Answer: Only to those German-Americans like the German-American Bund, who were open supporters of Hitler and who were interned during the war.
The caving in of the Holder Justice Department under the threats of people like Marayati of MPAC is more than just cowardice. There is a meeting of the minds here. This administration and this Justice Department has shown time and time again that there is a sympathy between them and the likes of CAIR, MPAC and other so-called Muslim organizations. Meanwhile, people like Zuhdi Jasser, Stephen Schwartz and other true moderates are ignored by this administration. They are willing to admit the truth about what is going on within their faith and warn America about it. But what can they do if America refuses to identify the threat and admit who the enemy really is?
Try World War I, Gary.
Thousands of patriotic German-American citizens were harrassed, chased out of town, beaten up, subjected to mass public ridicule, their businesses boycotted, because we were "fighting the Germans." And don't forget about the Japanese-AMERICANS during World War II.
With Hitler, we had the rare convenience of being able to call him a Nazi, rather than focusing on his German ethnicity. In the earlier war, the propaganda was all about how "Germans" were "Huns" who were allegedly responsible for every atrocity in Europe over the previous thousand years.
Now if those among us who have a visceral fear of Islam (I won't say Islamophobic, because that has become a cliche) AND our sensitive souls at the DOJ, wanted to be PRECISE, we could say
"There is a current of theology within the Islamic faith that advocates mass violence against those deemed infidels and apostates (including rival theologies and schools of fellow Muslims, as well as most Jews, Christians, Hindus, and others), which are a particular focus in prevention acts of terror."
Sorry I had to distract you with relevant history and offer such inconveniently nuanced language. I mean, what's a little accuracy when we are trying to score brownie points?
Last time I mentioned the tremendous number of Fousesquawk posts that have one comment, Gary said he didn't know what I was talking about. This is one example.
1) Gary says something not very well thought out, with lots of excited verbiage and no factual substantiation.
2) The resident fact-checker provides a detailed background presentation.
3) None of Gary's hourses, and none of Miggie's men, can put Gary's house of cards back together again.
Therefore, no further comments. Sweet.
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