
Friday, September 23, 2011

Solyndra update-Execs take fifth

That's the 5th Amendment for all you UC Santa Cruz Community Studies majors. Today, as expected, Solyndra executives took the fifth and refused to answer questions about that 535 million dollars they got from the Obama administration-before they went bankrupt.

Scandal? Naah.


Findalis said...

Watching them I thought for a moment I was watching a Mafia movie.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

So what?

Miggie said...

Nothing to see here. Move along.

What's 500 odd million dollars to anyone? So what if there was preferential treatment to Obama cash bundlers? Who cares if other bundlers rush to defend the other liars who claimed everything was just fine and on target? They were at least trying for green energy, even though the market and the technology just isn't there. Or were they trying to fleece the government from the start? Why should it even matter who met with them and moved the process along, especially if it was Obama himself? Just like Fast and Furious, no sense seeing how high it could go. This could break a lot of rice bowls.

Let bygones be bygones, there are other millionaires and billionaires that can be fleeced for the good of the Cause. That Cause being the giant trough that the liberals feed from.

The election can't come soon enough. (BTW, let the record reflect that I was the first to predict that Obama will not be the Democratic Party candidate for President in 2012. If he were anything but a delusional, incompetent, ideologue he would resign in disgrace now.)

Siarlys Jenkins said...

You missed it again Miggie. I didn't say let bygones be bygones. If there is something amiss here, I am proud of our president and attorney general for putting the FBI on the case and getting to the bottom of it. I've already said that -- Lord knows, Gary's been spouting on this subject almost daily, news or no news. I just don't think its news that people facing criminal investigation take the fifth before a congressional committee.