Bev Perdue (D)
Governor of North Carolina
Can't make this stuff up, folks. Bev Perdue, the Democratic governor of North Carolina, says the way to solve our economic problems is to cancel the next congressional elections.
"Why didn't I think of that?"
Actually, I know of one guy who did think of that.
"When I grow up, I want to be the Fuerhrer, mein Fuerhrer."
"Oh yeah?"
The left would love to put off the elections for any reason but everyone else just can't wait.
Who but an idiot would want more of this mismanagement, incompetent administration of policies that don't work? Want more entitlements, more muddled foreign policy, more unemployment, more regulations, more bureaus, even more food stamp recipients, more class warfare? Then put off elections and you'll be sure to get more of the same.
Can you imagine the out roar if a Republican came up with this idea?
There is an interesting article in Foreign Policy magazine about the "Imaginary" Palestinian state that the UN is considering recognition. It happens that the Hamas in Gaza and Fatah in the West Bank do not recognize the others president or foreign minister, and down the line for other officials and that both sides have put off elections long past their due dates and are, in effect, legally illegitimate representatives.
Yet another commonality between terrorists and leftists.
So, it seems there are southern Perdues in both parties, just as there are southern Gores in both parties. The Gores are cousins, I don't know if the Perdues are.
I don't support this, because getting the obstructionists out of the House is a prerequisite to any economic program at all, or, for that matter, any functional government at all.
But beyond the hyperbole, everyone knows what she was talking about. Elections tend to bring out the worst in both candidates and campaigns. Everyone complains about the rascals in congress, and everyone votes to re=elect their own incumbent. People who have a couple of years before they have to worry about another campaign sometimes do settle down and do the right thing, rather than hold their finger to the wind to see which way its blowing today.
What if a Democrat changed his stance every time the polls shifted a little? Oh yes, one did. His name was John Kerry.
Perdue spoke, one must assume, in full knowledge that there is no constitutional way to postpone the elections, so it would be understood by any American over the age of five as a talking point.
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