Pajamas Media's Patrick Poole has written an important article on the US's misguided choices of Muslim leaders to reach out to the Muslim community since 9-11.
When President Bush took office, Alamoudi was quickly courted by the new administration. In June 2001, the Jerusalem Post reported that Alamoudi was going to be part of a White House meeting with Vice President Cheney despite the fact that Alamoudi was known to have attended a terror confab in Beirut earlier that year featuring representatives from virtually every major Islamic terrorist organization in the world, including al-Qaeda.
Yet just days after the 9/11 attacks, Alamoudi was one of the Muslim leaders asked to appear with President Bush at the Islamic Center of Washington, D.C. That same week, one of Alamoudi’s close associates, Muzammil Siddiqi, was asked to deliver an Islamic prayer and to represent the entire Muslim-American community at the national prayer service mourning the fallen.
The inclusion of Alamoudi and Siddiqi at the post-9/11 events was highly criticized, especially because Alamoudi had been videotaped in October 2000, as noted by the Los Angeles Times, expressing his support for Hamas and Hezbollah at a rally held just steps from the White House. At that same demonstration, Siddiqi accused the U.S. of responsibility for the plight of the Palestinians and warned that “the wrath of God will come.” One former Secret Service agent told Fox News that “the intelligence community has known for some time the association of Dr. Muzammil Siddiqi and Mr. Alamoudi and their association with terrorist organizations.”
Ah yes, Muzammil Siddiqi, former leader of ISNA and now the head of the Orange County Garden Grove Islamic Center. Just months ago, many of us out here in Orange County tried to bring this information to the attention of Rusty Kennedy, head of the politically-correct, tax-payer-funded OC Human Rights Commission when they bestowed an award upon Siddiqi.
The coveted "Rusty Outreach Award"
But they wouldn't listen. Kennedy had already participated in feting Yasser Arafat in South Africa on the occasion of Arafat winning the slightly less-coveted Nobel Peace Prize. Kennedy also attended the Durban Conference on Racism in South Africa that singled out Israel-all on the tax-payer's dime.
But I digress.
This misguided attempt to reach out to the Muslim community has ignored true moderates like Zuhdi Jasser and others. Instead administrations under Bush and Obama have consorted with the likes of Anwar Awlaki (now a fugitive terrorist leader), Abdulrahman Alamoudi, ISNA, CAIR and the list goes on and on.
No wonder our enemies laugh at us.
at the local level, Orange county Human Relations commission executive director Rusty Kennedy has graciously offered his services to provide sensitivity training on the homeless to the fullerton PD, you know the same police department that beat a disabled, homeless man to death in july of this year. Now, rusty is a colleague and a friend of one of the fullerton city council members, Pat McKinley, the ex-police chief of fullerton and past member of rusty's commission. McKinley is being recalled for colluding to hide evidence of the police beating from the public. Sooo, all fullerton city council and fullerton PD have to do to make right the beating death of this homeless man is to attend one of rusty's listening sessions and then every one will be happy and McKinley's rogue cops will not be prosecuted.Rusty recommends to McKinley et al and investigation independent of the FBI's investigation. so McKinley et al have hired an independent investigator to refute the damning evidence the FBI will reveal to the public and courts . and people think rusty is just an empty suit sitting in a bureaucratic broom closet living comfortably on his six figure income.think again. rusty truly serves a public service only to his fellow public servants.I bet next year, rusty will award those police officers who beat that poor disabled man to death for participating in rusty's listening session on how to treat the homeless in our community
Can you send me a link on that update. Sounds like typical stuff from the OCHRC. Sensitivity training-the great cure all.
Well, if our enemies are reading crass nonsense like this, I'm sure they are laughing. Fortunately, our government is presently staffed by mature men and women.
"Fortunately, our government is presently staffed by mature men and women."
That, Siarlys, should be inscribed on your tombstone.
Gary fousesquawk, google Friends For fullerton's Future and you will have to view the older posts for the month of august to find the video where rusty kennedy addresses fullerton city council members for approx. 3 minutes on his invaluable services to the community during these trying times. also, google pat McKinley and Orange county Human Relations Commission and you will see the connection.
If you should outlive me Gary, you may make that proposal to the executor of my estate, that is, if I have one to leave.
Mature men and women don't reach out to "our good friends and those we like." They deal with the world as it is. Mature men and women do not, of course, ever entirely trust even those who smile at them. A former DEA agent should know both sides of that equation.
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