Hello, Attack Watch? I got a tip about a guy named Fousesquawk."
This is incredible. I didn't know about this until someone e-mailed me the latest Hitler Downfall parody (Yes, I will post it,) So the White House has set up a website for folks to report any attacks on President Obama-and get the REAL TRUTH. Anyway, here is the link to Attack Watch.com. I urge you to visit this site for a few yuks.
Should we call it Blog Noir?
Two things jumped out at me. First, even though the "Attack" in the title refers to people attacking President Obama, the top of the page features three attacks on Rick Perry, Mitt Romney and Glenn Beck. But you really must visit the link entitled, "Report an attack". Here you can send in a report on someone who is attacking the President. There is even a drop-down list of venues in which the attacks occurred, TV ad, radio ad, rumor, etc. You talk about Stalinesque.
"You talk about chickensh--!"
"Hey, don't forget me."
Anyway, the site is basically drawing laughs from the right rather than concern. Yet, it is always of concern when the White House encourages people to report political opponents.
Without further ado, with a hat tip to ConservARTive.com and Squid, who sent this to me, here is the scene where the Fuehrer goes into a rage when he learns that AttackWatch.com has not worked.
Having the time of my life playing with AttackWatch. I've reported every 2-bit libtard I know. Should be interesting to see if the Obama Regime sends the FBI after them.
Hoiw long you think before they pull this thing?
A couple of weeks.
What if President Benes had the opportunity to run a site registering each lie Joseph Goebbels put on German language radio, broadcast to the Sudetenland, together with a straightforward clarification of what really happened (or didn't happen at all)?
German radio has reported "new and dastardly crimes perpetrated by the Czech-Jewish-Marxist mob. A horde of savage police had stormed the Reichinberg gymnasium, attached harmless schoolboys practicing gymnastics there and, scorning all rights of the peoples to self-determination, had lashed out wildly and in the most ferocious way at these youths, who had defended themselves heroically. Some had been killed and many wounded."
FACTS: Members of a Sports League, wearing their grey uniforms, met at the local gymnasium in Reichenberg, where they played at being soldiers. When they got hungry, several groups of twenty, told to think of themselves as "shock brigades" who were "fighting their way," marched out to Ferdl's sausage stall to buy sausage, rolls and beer on the quiet streets. Ferdl asked "You rehearsing today? You're the third lot today to buy sandwiches" and winked at them. Shortly before the legally declared eight o'clock curfew, three Czech police officers stopped by to remind the young men, who said they were doing gymnastics, that it was quarter to eight. The young men dispersed to their homes, uttering phrases like "Order carried out," and "Our day will come," and even "Attack parried." There were no injuries.
Such a web site would have been worthwhile, no? Or would you have joined the Sudeten Nazis in laughing at poor Benes's attack watch web site?
Do I believe there are people hostile to President Obama who would equal Goebbels in telling big lies? Of course I do. They already have. Squid has tried, but he's not ready to run with the big boys. Whether Obama's staff can be effective in replying to these lies in a way that resonates with American voters is another question.
Are you "the Big boys", Siarlys?
What if Goebbels had a web site to refute all the lies told about Hitler, like he was anti-Semitic, wanted to conquer the world etc...
Oh wait. He did have one, didn't he-or reasonable facsimile.
If the Obama attack watch web site is done right, it will play a role similar to the comments I post at Fousesquawk. Lance thinks its a waste of time, but someone has to stand up for truth and decency in the face of the insinuating twisted filth you post here.
If I were one of the big boys, I would be RUNNING the attack watch web site. Unfortunately, I haven't been invited. Look out if they ever study Fousesquawk and realize how much I have to offer. Are you saying if Hitler and Goebbels had a web site telling lies, therefore any clarifications posted by Benes would have been lies too, because they both appeared on a web site?
"If the Obama attack watch web site is done right, it will play a role similar to the comments I post at Fousesquawk"
It already does, Siarlys. it already does.
As for Lance, I see over on Alexandria he is still reduced to using that Straw man argument. It's the only argument he has.
Fortunately, I have more arguments than the straw man. I guess that's why I am still here.
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