Last year, Obama visited Solyndra. This year, the FBI visited Solyndra.
We should all keep an eye on this Solyndra scandal. This is starting to look like it might be something serious. Now a House committee is investigating it and we learn that e-mails back and forth from the White House were putting pressure on the Congressional Budget Office and OMB to sign off on the $535 loan to Solyndra, a solar panel company in Fremont, California. The following year, they went bankrupt. Not only that, the loan had been under consideration by the Bush White House, but they walked away from it as Bush left office.
Hell, even "Handsome Henry" Waxman (D-CA) of all people, who sits on the House committee, is expressing concern and saying he had been assured by a Solyndra official that they were in sound shape-just before they went bankrupt.
So the question begs; how is it that a loan proposal was nixed by the Bush White House and then quickly re-started by the Obama White House, not only re-started, but expedited with pressure brought to bear on CBO and OMB to sign off? Do you think Congress ought to put that guy George Kaiser (who was a campaign bundler and contributor to Obama's presidential campaign in 2008 as well as a major investor in Solyndra) under oath and ask him that question?
Chicago politics!
I wonder how much money they put in Obama's pocket? And not just his campaign fund.
A committee in the current house of representatives would investigate a minor child giving her mother a kiss on the cheek if it might embarrass the President of the United States.
A congressional investigation these days is sort of like what they used to say about circulating a petition on certain college campuses in the 1970s: if you drop a piece of paper, by the time it hits the ground it will have ten signatures.
On the other hand, these photos Gary posted clearly demonstrate that the Department of Justice is sufficiently nonideological that the FBI (they work under the direction of the Attorney General, just like the ATF does) will not be restrained from pursuing an investigation, whether or not it has the potential to embarrass the administration.
When the DOJ tried that under Nixon, the AG and the Asst. AG got fired in one night, as well as the special prosecutor.
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