"The attorney general, after all, trashed the Bush administration and came into office promising that neither political affiliation nor ideology would play any role in hiring at the supposedly “reinvigorated” Civil Rights Division."
Here is the last of Pajamas Media's series of articles detailing the political hires of Eric Holder's Justice Department. Seven political hires in the Appellate section-all lefties. The below article is by Hans A Spakovsky.
Still batting .1000. Why do you think the series is entitled; "Every single one"?
The little boys and girls at the Pajama Party, up past their bed time, have come up with a series of reports which, distilled to its sustantive content, definitively proves that:
1) The lawyers most deeply beloved and admired by the Pajama Party are not getting hired, waaaahh!
2) Those who ARE getting hired have held various jobs where they worked for what they believed in.
This is all sprinkled with some good old fashioned name calling, in which the hazily undefined term "lefty," cast forth without any particular connection to identified facts, serves to cast anathema on all the current staff.
What self-serving tripe.
The name of the Department should be changed from the JUSTICE Dept to Deprtment of Advancing Agendas. They aren't so much interested in justice for all but rather getting even and making race the primary consideration in every case before them.
The election can't come soon enough.
Hi, i just wanted to give other random pro-Israel advocates out there a heads up about a blog site that has a collection of Youtube videos of confrontations and dueling demos between pro and anti-Israel forces in the San Francisco Bay Area. i'll be posting a back log of videos for most of the rest of this week every day: http://proisraelctu.blogspot.com/
David, Gary is going to make a snarky remark about your failure to stay on topic. Or maybe he makes exceptions for pro-Israel comments. The pro-Israel arguments around here sure are random.
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