
Saturday, September 3, 2011

Another Snub of Israel by Obama


President Obama never ceases to amaze me with his radical leftist agenda both at home and abroad. The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has published a letter expressing shock that Obama, in an official statement about terrorism neglected to include Israel as a country victimized by terror.

"We honor and celebrate the resilience of individuals, families, and communities on every continent, whether in New York or Nairobi, Bali or Belfast, Mumbai or Manila, or Lahore or London” (Thom Shanker & Eric Schmitt, ‘White House Issues Guides on Sept. 11 Observances,’ New York Times, August 29, 2011).

A mere oversight, perhaps? No way. Obama didn't want to offend his friends in the Middle East and the Organization of the Islamic Conference, that band of autocratic states that Hillary Clinton is huddling with on that UN resolution against Defamation of Religion(s).* To acknowledge that Israel is the constant taregt of attacks and list all the suicide bombings and such would hardly be politically correct. Plus he and his advisors knew it would be a slap in the face of Israel.

And this is all contained in Obama's Statement on the 10th anniversary of 9-11. As if this guy is going to tell all of us how we should observe the day. "It's not just about us."


* It's called "religions", but it is really all about one. That why I added the optional "s".


Findalis said...

Obama is starting to have a Jewish problem. He is poison to those Democratic candidates in mainly Jewish districts. Funding is drying up and he is losing many of his supporters of 4 years ago.

Obama and those around him believe the lies of J Street. Believe that J Street speaks for the Jewish people. And they will be getting a very crude wake up call in Nov. 2012

Squid said...

This President is the laughing stock of the world and should be to every American who has the intelligence to see through the Progressive/ultra liberal ideology that he brings to the White House. He is also anti-Semitic, anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian (whatever that means) and willing to "side with the Muslims utilizing "Cultural Jihad against us. If Obama can attend a celebration for Rashid Khalidi, a massive anti-Israel, anti-Semite, anti-Zionist, and praise him in a speech, at that function, it is no wonder that this scumbag will through Israel under the bus, like any other useless country, person or thing that does not matter to him.


Miggie said...

It is not only on this statement, it is on ALL Obama's statements.

His Attorney General, Eric Holder, denied repeatedly in his appearance before Congress in 2010 that the Times Square bomber, the Fort Hood shooter, or the other jihadist attackers were motivated by "radical Islam."

This is the mindset of this administration.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

I really can't work up much sympathy for this kind of metooism. One of the few times Rush Limbaugh said something intelligent was when he castigated the entitlement mentality cropping up on the part of people who suffered loss in the Oklahoma City bombing, asking after 9.11 to have their compensation updated to the scale of the compensation for 9.11 victims. So Israel got left off the list. Big deal. Maybe its because the IDF has been doing such a good job that the magnitude of terrorism in Israel is rather small compared to Mumbai, etc. Don't work so hard at bringing to life some justification for the innuendo about the Jewish sense of victimhood.

Hopefully most American voters, Jewish or not, are sufficiently wise and sufficiently patriotic that they won't hang their vote on the interests of one foreign nation. Think if Polish Americans voted primarily based on how American foreign policy affected Poland, Italian Americans on which candidates were willing to subsidize Italy's finances, Greek Americans on which candidates would bail out the Greek budget deficit, Russian Americans on which candidate was preferred by Vladimir Putin...

See how silly it sounds, when the foot is on any foot but yours?