Never forget.
The above video is graphic. It shows some of the 100-200 people who jumped from the top floors of the World Trade Center ten years ago today. Many media outlets have chosen not to show these images. With all due respect to those whose last images are shown, I feel they must be shown.
And never forget this; here are Palestinians in East Jerusalem and the West Bank when they heard the news of the attacks: (Hat tip Atlas Shrugs)
Too many people are saying that we need to "get past" 9-11. That we must not do. As Mark Steyn points out in his column today, we cannot just describe this as a "tragic event". This was pure barbarism on its most massive scale.
We have to stay angry. If we don't, we lose the stomach to keep fighting this barbarism, which is continuing its efforts to repeat it. The message today is that we won't forget 9-11 and its victims. Further, that we will stand up to this evil. Sadly, many are no longer willing to stand up to it.
This is not a call to take our anger out on innocent Americans, but it is a call to reaffirm that we will never surrender our rights, and we will never surrender to our enemies and the sick ideology that drives them.
Very well said Gary. We cannot forget what happened on 9/11, 2001, ever. The pictures, films, testimony and memorials should be front and center in every American's mind and heart.
What Hell on Earth. These should be shown to students beginning at the HS level. People must know what we are dealing with. I am preaching to the choir I am sure but every time I see images like this it infuriates and saddens me. I have trouble garnishing any sympathy within myself for those in Muslim lands. I well remember their rejoice during the immediate aftermath.
It would be foolish and wrong to paint them all (Muslims) with the same brush, but I can well understand those who do.
What the point of posting this video Gary?
Do you want America to invade Iran now?
Who said anything about invading Iran? Which video are you referring too? Go back to sleep.
I was talking about the video about the jumpers.
It seems that you are trying to exploit the 9/11 tragedy for propaganda purposes, and to illicit sympathy for you pro-Israel and neo-con views.
First you bring Iran into the discussion, now Israel. Do want to forget this ever happened? I understand that they are horrif images. I still think that every person everywhere needs to see and understand the full horror of what was done to us.
As for your use of the term, neo-Con- I don't know what that means except it seems to be consistently applied to jewish conservative figures who suppor5t Israel and seem to be a code word for something. I have always been a (protestant) conservative. Please explain to me what you mean by Neo-con.
I would define a Neo-Con (neo-conservative) as a member of the Republican party (or leans Republican) that has moderate to liberal views on social issues but has very hawkish foreign policy views especially in regards to the Middle East.
Most neo-cons are Jews, and most Jews are socially liberal so neo-cons don't take traditionally conservative stances on things such as gay marriage, spending, size and scope of government, etc.
Most Jews do have pro-Israel sympathies and that is why neo-cons are also very supportive of Israel's interests and are willing to use American military, economic, and diplomatic might against enemies of Israel such as Iraq, Syria, Iran, etc.
Neo-cons will put Israel's interests and well being over that of America's.
Most neo Cons are Jews?
Iran, Syria and Iraq under Saddam were America's enemies as well. Syria and Iran still are. If Israel were to disappear tomorrow, that fact would not change. Are you a supporter of Syria and Iran?
Would that make you a neo-lib?
As for Jews, you would be amazed at how many Jews I have encountered who are anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian. In fact, I have made just as many jewish enemies as Muslim enemies. Go figure.
Traditionally, most conservatives have supported Israel and continue to do so because they are an ally, a democracy, and a nation under siege from their neighbors and assorted terrorists. I support Israel, but would I put their interests over our interests? No, America is my nation, and I think American Jews feel the same.
Gary, you do know that Syria under the Assad regime was part of the coalition and an ally of the United States during the first Gulf War/Operation Desert Storm?
Israel was not.
Two of Hussein al-Takriti's sworn enemies were Hafez al-Assad and Osama bin Laden. That does not, however, make them good guys.
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