(Milwaukee Journal)
Hat tip to Hot Air
Below is another example of why Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin is right. On Friday, as the governor came to visit a successful choice school in Milwaukee, the union goons turned out to make noise and intimidate.
We have a similar problem in California, where the unions-especially the teachers union- control the state capital. Meanwhile, you see in Milwaukee a school where kids are polite and well-mannered-quite in contrast to the union controlled public schools.
I also noted Obama's friends in the SEIU were there in their purple people beater t-shirts. What they would like to see is those nice little kids returned to the crime factories of the inner city public schools where they can learn to be gang members, thugs-and maybe even union organizers.
Union goons, eh? Apparently, Mr. Fouse, we didn't get the emails.
Your photo doesn't show any violence or intimidation, nor have I read any local news reports about any. Wishful thinking on your part perhaps?
School choice comes in almost as many varieties as Baskin-Robbins ice cream. Many of them are very bad, including fly by night operators who see a chance to make a quick buck, those with various ideological axes to grind, those with beautiful visions and no administrative ability to deliver on them... Sometimes they can deliver a good product. Net results, on average, are no better than the public schools, and that is a low bar.
There is one church-sponsored school I am familiar with, which scrupulously avoids teaching the mountain of evidence for evolutionary biology, and has convinced some very intelligent kids that the entire universe was created while the earth turned six times on its axis.
Nonetheless, I like this school, and have played a modest role in helping some of their students develop. These are good kids, and God knows, I've seen much worse cruising at the Boys and Girls Club (and some good ones also).
What people in Wisconsin who know him up close think of Scott Walker, as distinct from what ideological bedfellows on the right coast see in him, can be measured by the fact that less than a month after he took office, about fifty-five percent of the voting age population said if the election was held that day, he would have lost.
Next January, we'll test that in a real election. If he is recalled, no doubt you will blame it all on the SEIU goons intimidating voters by threatening to snap them in the YMCA locker room with those purple t-shirts.
I guess you missed the part about vandalism at the school.
Apparently you missed the SEIU "Commie" sympathizers marching with the Communist-USA folks, May 1st, on the streets of Los Angeles. They were right up there with the commies, preaching the distruction of the Constitution and the American way. Purple an red, not a very good match, but they made it work that day! SEIU has a reputation of creating chaos, when it suits their need to disrupt civil institution, as Saul Alinsky's minions.
The Left loves mobs The union's mobs are the best. They not only provide large contributions to the Democratic Party, they supply the goons for the dirty work. They are part of the "spread the wealth" true believers that all you have to do to get stuff is to demand it.
Incidentally, the highly touted recall elections on legislators who supported Scott were a failure. The state legislature is still Republican. You won't find that in the MSM.
When challenged Gary, you are awfully quick to narrow down what you presented as a broad, multi-issue argument, to one little empiric. Having a hard time defending anything else you said, from 2000 miles away?
Hot air is well named. Vandalism in the middle of the night is hardly the act of a picket line in mid-day. Messmer is a Roman Catholic parochial school, which existed long before "school choice," and merely tapped into it as a source of funds. Being firmly committed to the First Amendment, I have some reservations about that, although I'm not totally committed to cutting them off either.
Messmer isn't a bad school, but whoever made that video obviously hasn't seen the way the kids behave on the surrounding sidewalks when school lets out. They aren't little thugs and vandals, and they don't have the fights that break out at North Division High now and then, but they aren't consistently "well behaved" either.
If I were Brother Bob, I would decline to have my school used as a back drop for Scott Walker's agenda. Walker is going to attract negative attention anytime he shows up in Milwaukee. I will agree that the slogans are getting a bit trite and stale -- they ought to be thinking up some fresh new lines to capture public imagination. And that guy in the crew cut who claims to live in the neighborhood is out of his mind. But houses around there are not selling for $250,000 now -- maybe in 2007, before the bubble burst.
Squid and Miggie's squeals weren't posted yet when I responded to Gary. There isn't much there, and Miggie is playing a broken record, but, let's see if I can follow Squid's logic:
SEIU marched in a May Day parade in Los Angeles last May 1, and this has some implication for whether the citizens who picketed Scott Walker in Milwaukee the following August were goons??? The SEIU marchers were communists because they marched May 1, the anniversary of the first 8-hour day strike in the United States, rather than waiting until the official day September 6? You guys must try to do a little better than this.
Addendum: Miggie can't count.
Eight state senators who were elected in November 2008, the same day Barack Obama was elected president (i.e., strongly Republican districts) were challenged by recalls, and two of them were turned out.
Three state senators elected at the same time (presumably benefitted from the Democratic sweep and might be vulnerable to the Great Disillusion With Obama that the radio talk show hosts have been proclaiming) were also challenged by recalls, and won handily, with 55% to 60% of the vote.
Net loss for Republican: 2.
Net gain for Democrats: 2.
How do I know? It was all over the mainstream media.
Not enough to take the state senate, but a loss for Democrats only in the hands of a desperate spin doctor.
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