
Sunday, August 14, 2011

Obama's Operatives Keep Attacking Tea Party

It's amazing the fixation Democrats have on the Tea Party movement. Perhaps, instead of fixation, the word should be fear.

How credible is the claim that tea-partiers are right wing extremists out to destroy the nation? Consider that first of all, those you see at tea party rallies are not millionaires or billionaires. Nor are they extremists for the simple reason that none of them have yet to break any law, engage in violence, or spout racist rhetoric.

What is the main issue of the tea party movement? Simply that our government has become too powerful, too spend-happy, and too eager to raise our taxes, which are already too high. They feel that the current government is destroying our nation. They are also not hesitant to criticize and vote against Republicans who don't live up to their professed principles.

And what is the threat of the tea party? Is it that they are plotting to overthrow our government? Hardly. Is it that they are a threat to the safety of the president? Hardly. The threat of the tea party movement is that they will do in 2012 what they did in the 2010 mid-term elections: Vote.

How radical is that?

Finally, consider the Democrat's alternatives to the Tea Party: The thuggish SEIU and ACORN, the latter of which was just in the headlines again in Nevada for fraudulent voter registration.

"Whadda'ya mean youse ain't gonna vote for Obama?"

And if you think ACORN is now defunct, think again. They have just broken up into new groups that will be out doing the dirty work in 2012 to manufacture all kinds of new voters who will vote Democratic.

Meanwhile, Obama and the Democrats continue to attack law-abiding, decent and patriotic Americans who dare to speak out in a legal manner against this corrupt regime in Washington. I have a feeling that the more they attack, the stronger the Tea Party becomes.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

The Tea Party, hijacked by professional political operatives of long standing, has morphed into a doppleganger of the welfare mentality. It is one more version of the unfortunate American assumption that we can have growing entitlements, with lower taxes, and not go into debt.

Note carefully: while calling for massive cuts to "federal spending," they carefully promise voters that Medicare, Medicaid, and almost anything else they know voters want, will not be touched. That approach can only increase the size of the deficit.

The Tea Party's big-name politicians are notoriously willing to ambush any attempt at fiscal responsibility by Democrats, e.g. cheap phrases like "death panels" when it is OBVIOUS that medical costs have to be controlled SOMEWHERE.

That said, it is foolish for people in the Obama administration, or campaign organization, to give these sad cretins free press, or to think that voters will be impressed by repeated mention of how bad the Tea Party is for America. To coin a phrase, move on, and start telling the hard truths that neither the John Boehner nor Nancy Pelosi want to dwell upon.

fullerton taxpayer said...

Gee, Siarlys, maybe the answer isn't the Tea Party but a peace party cuz if we cut out our wars without end and stop giving monetary aid to our enemies, think Pakistan and its recently deceased resident, Osama bin Laden, then government may be able to fund Medicare, Medi-Cal , you know those entitlements that we the people have paid into for the last few decades.

Anonymous said...

Yes they are going to vote, for Michelle Bachmann who will make G.W.Bush seem like an intellectual.
I wish God would call on someone else this time.

Anonymous said...

The Tea Party loses people like me when the candidates they support talk about Jesus as if he was their friend who tell them what to do. I could do without a politician talking about Jesus so much.

They also lose me when they show no willingness to raise any taxes and show no willingness to compromise.

We will need to cut spending and raise taxes to balance the budget.

Warren Buffett brings up the issue that he pays a lower percent of tax on his income than his secretary.

Gary Fouse said...

If you and Warren Buffet want to pay more taxes, be my guest. You can write a check to IRS at any time. Frankly, I am a little sick of Buffett preaching to the rest of us why we should pay more taxes. I prefer to keep as much of my money as possible.

Anonymous said...

One rich dude paying more taxes doesn't make that much of a difference. Advocationg for the laws to change and getting them changed will.

We got two wars going on. The middle and lower class are having to sacrafice more - sending soliders and paying more of their income to send their kids to college. It makes sense that super high income earners should have to sacrafice more too.

Gary Fouse said...

Who defines super rich? Would that be you? If you are a small business owner with say one million in assets, are they not paying enough?

Anonymous said...

Buffett is suggesting the implementation of two new brackets--one for taxpayers making over $1 million and one for taxpayers making over $10 million.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Fullerton, you may be right in part -- it is obvious that the USA simply cannot AFFORD to be the world's policeman any more. But I don't think any of us are prepared to do without any military establishment, especially with China on the rise. So we have a lot of hard choices to make.

We do pay in to Medicare, like social security, but unlike social security, a lot of what is paid out for Medicare does come from the general budget, and Medicaid, entirely so. I get mad whenever social security is lumped in as part of "the deficit" because it is ENTIRELY funded from its own, separate, trust fund. But its is not entirely so with medical care.

Gary, you are being mendacious again -- as an instructor of English, you should know what the word means. I don't credit that you are merely confused.

Since you are a law abiding citizen who fills out income tax returns each year, or at least signs what a tax preparer assembles for you, I'm sure you know that a small business with a million dollars in ASSETS does not pay INCOME TAX on those assets. Probably local property tax on at least some of it.

The notion that extremely wealthy people should pay a higher rate on INCOME over $1,000,000 is a proposal of a very different order. It takes a million dollars or so to start up a medium sized inner-city grocery store, but after paying the mortgage for the start-up money, and all other expenses, all of them deductible from business income, the proprietor may only make about $25,000 - $50,000 a year to support his family on. After deducting Schedule A, or taking the Standard Deduction, plus exemptions for himself, and each member of his (or her) family, what remains is what tax is paid on. Not exactly in Warren Buffet's league.

Tax policy, whatever it may be, applies to everyone, not just those who feel moved to write a check. Buffet is right on target, except I would tax 50% of everything over... oh, let's give the millionaires a break and make it $2 million.

I doubt if you even make $500,000. You can keep your money.