Lauren Booth is the sister-in-law of former British prime Minister Tony Blair. She is also an idiot in the mold of George Galloway and Yvonne Ridley. A couple of years ago, she was photographed visiting that "poor, undernourshed" place called Gaza shopping in expensive boutiques and dining in fine restaurants. Now she is back in that nation once called Great Britain speaking to a mob in Trafalgar Square and calling for Egypt, Lebanon and Jordan to march and liberate Jerusalem (using the Arabic name Al Quds). Take a look at the photos and read the banners present. Note the Hizbollah flags and the exposure of the protesters own children to hatred.
Here is the video of Blair's idiot sister-in-law speaking to the drones.
Here are a couple of photos of Booth while she was "trapped" in "starving" Gaza in 2008.
Apparently, Ridley was also speaking at this event. The only one missing was Benny Hill.
The initial incidents Booth reports are perfectly credible. They are not, however, crimes of state. They are routine acts of racism, by individuals in uniform who should be better supervised, or removed from their posts.
In Clint Eastwood's "Letters from Iwo Jima" there is an incident where one American soldier, with the reluctant but cowed acquiescence of another, shoots in cold blood a Japanese soldier who had surrendered, who the two soldiers had been ordered by their immediate commanding officer to guard. It is credible that could have happened, more than once, during World War II. It is not proof that the United States had a policy of slaughtering captured Japanese prisoners of war.
Some of the other stories are dubious, although plausible. "I heard a woman say she was raped by Israeli soldiers" is worth investigating, but its not a closed case. It is well documented that the Palestinian cause has been boosted by exaggeration and sheer fantasy.
I recently ran across some material on Deir Yassin I hadn't seen before. There is still no doubt in my mind that the Irgun perpetrated a massacre of civilians, but this account mentioned that further massacre was prevented by religious Jews from the next village who ran over to ask what they thought they were doing. AND, one of the survivors was told by a propagandist for what was then "the Arab cause," that "we must make the most of this" as he spun several things that had not happened, and peremptorily dismissed what the witness told him about how the massacre had been stopped.
The fact that Karl Rove and his acolytes do the same thing doesn't make it any better or worse when it is done in the name of Palestine.
Booth is correct that Hamas is an elected government. For better or worse, they ran in elections, and won. Whether they could win another election, or intend to allow one, is the $64,000 question.
Her logic is absurd: Muslims and cowards are not antonyms, nor are they mutually exclusive categories. The word "coward" is an antonym of "brave." Either one can apply to adherents of every religion on the face of the earth, or for that matter, any nationality, although "Muslim" is not a nationality.
There are many reasons the armies of Egypt are not going to enter Gaza. The armies of Jordan and Syria can't even get there. I doubt Lebanon could get anyone there alive by sea. But this is a woman who flits around the world, not an experienced soldier who knows what is required to mount, let alone win, a military campaign, and what the price of victory would be.
Innovative minds? Not hardly. I must note that these costumes both Ridley and Booth wear remind me of the ladies in "Lion in Winter" or "Henry V."
I heard quite a few "Allah Akbars" during the last video clip. I understand that the new translation of the term is actually, "Pay no attention. Nothing to see here."
So when Major Hassan shouts that in the midst of his killing rampage or the other Muslims shout it in the midst of their daily outrages, what we are really supposed to do is to ignore it as an inconsequential data point that has no correlation to similar outrages with that marker around the world.
According to Miggie's logic, the Jews who stopped the massacre at Deir Yassin are just as guilty as the Jews who initiated the massacre. I'm sure there are plenty of propagandists who would live to put Miggie to work for the jihadi cause. All they have to do is change the names, leaving the sentence structure intact.
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