Lawrence O'Donnell
"vicious, savage"
Last night on MSNBC, Lawrence O'Donnell tried to show that Jon Huntsman was making a "vicious, savage" attack on Mitt Romney. Here's the text: (Yes, I saw it.)
O`DONNELL: Let`s listen to Jon Huntsman`s vicious, savage attack on Mitt Romney.
JON HUNTSMAN (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: You look at Governor Romney, you look at some of the others in the race. You can see they`ve all kind of taken different positions.
It`s easy to take a political position later on. It`s tough to take a position early on, which is the real world. These are real world issues and leaders step up.
O`DONNELL: I guess I should have watched the video before I introduced it. Is that the best shot Huntsman has?
No, Larry. Is that the best shot you have?
Don't worry, Larry. Soon, Al Sharpton will be there to give you a few pointers.
The problem the Dems have is that they will not be able to run on Obama's record, domestic or foreign. So the ready fall back position is, as it always is on the Left, to have outrageous smears and personal demonization.
O'Donnell is just a bit ahead with the exaggerations and outright lies. The NY Times can't be that far behind.
I smell sarcasm... and not just Gary's. I guess his olefactory nerves are too jaded by his own brand to notice it in O'Donnell.
The Dems need to develop a platform that tells people the truth about our national finances, which nobody in either party is doing right now. Obama just might screw up the courage to do that. Nobody has a sterling record to run on, nobody. (Relatively speaking, Huntman has a bit of integrity, but that is a low bar).
Miggie is correct about the outrageous smears. I just got another letter from the DNC (with the Minnesota comedian's name on it... oh yeah, Al Franken. He invited me to carry around a bag saying "I am the firewall." Blecchhh. Ranting about vast right wing conspiracies is a losing proposition. Until they come up with something better, the DNC doesn't get anything from me. OFA does though.
Sort of missed my thesis, didn't you?
Thesis? You had a thesis? Perhaps you should explain it in plain English.
I think you simply missed that Lawrence O'Donnell was engaged in sarcasm, while you took him at his word, and noticed that his language did not accurately characterize the statement he was reporting on.
Only Siarlys could not notice that within one post with two paragraphs that in the first he urges Gary to explain what he means in plain language and in the second paragraph says that Gary missed what O'Donnell said because O'Donnell was using sarcasm .... in other words, not speaking in plain language.
You must have good arguments with yourself. That's like the subway mumblers.
Miggie, when you have something of substance to say, rather than dancing like a five year old around more mature human beings, be sure to offer us a sample.
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