
Monday, August 1, 2011

Another Big Fu----' Deal From Joe Biden

"That's a big fu----' deal."

You gotta hand it to Joe Biden. Only Joe would know how to turn a buck on being protected by the Secret Service. Seems that Joe is collecting rent money from the USSS to guard him when he is in Delaware.

Illegal? I suppose not, but if it were me, I'd give it to them for free since they were protecting my life.

Really, I would.

Even Jimmy Carter didn't charge the Secret Service parking fees when he was in Plains, Georgia and the boys were parked in a car in front of his house in the middle of winter, and old Jimmie would step out onto his front porch to pick up his morning newspaper to find out what was going on in the world, and he wouldn't even say "good morning" to the freezing, tired and hungry agents, who had been sitting in their car all night, or offer them a cup of coffee.

How do I know that? I got sources.

But I digress.

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