Surely in the coming days, we will hear increasing demands for her to drop out. After all, the fate of the nation could hang in the balance if President Bachmann were incapacitated during a national emergency. Just five minutes ago, Joy Behar brought it up on The View.
One can now envision the mad-hatters at MSNBC spending 4 hours of broadcast time every night talking about Bachmann's migraines.

Of course, what they won't tell you is that Obama has not yet released his own medical records. Bill Clinton never released his. (God only knows what that would have disclosed. JFK had Addison's Disease and was a walking pharmacy. Hell, we had a president named Franklin Roosevelt who served 3+ terms living in a wheelchair. The media never told anybody, and Roosevelt always had himself filmed or photographed so as not to make it obvious.
But horrors! Michele Bachmann suffers from migraines.
Oh well. At least it gives the media something else to talk about other than that DOJ/ATF gun-running scandal.
The hypocrisy of the left wing I'd despicable. They have a long history of being able to simply ignore how their accusations apply more to their side than the other.
Yeah, never mind the migraines. Her ignorance of American history, poor judgement, and all-around incompetence will disqualify her. But that isn't news. It's well known to all but her most die-hard fans.
I haven't seen anything so silly since the media went into a frenzy about Senator Tom Eagleton in 1972. Unfortunately, the hyper-press-sensitive Democratic Party bought that one, dumped Eagleton, and canned their chances of winning in 1972.
I'm glad there are more important reasons Bachmann will never be president.
She also suffers from "foot in mouth" disease, and is intellectually challenged. How anyone can take her seriously is beyond me.
So typical of the left to go on a personal smear campaign with banalities ... she is ignorant of American history and has poor judgement as well as "foot in mouth" disease, etc. All these without example or quantifying at all.
When Obama said he campaigned in 57 states, did that mean he was completely ignorant of American history or geography? He more unqualified before and after getting elected than any president I can recall.
Let's see, about Bachman... she is an anathema to lefties because she represents a demographic they feel they should own, just like blacks or union members. She is a tax attorney and a leading advocate for tax reform, she opposes wasteful government spending, and is a strict constitutionalist. She has served in both the State and US senates since 2000. She is on the Financial Services Committee and the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. It goes on and on but the left prefers ambiguous smear tactics rather than any criticism on specific issues.
Any Republican running now, particularly Bachman, would do a better job running the country, where we now have 47 million (!) Americans on food stamps and the unemployment level is at 9.2%,
"Yeah, never mind the migraines. Her ignorance of American history, poor judgement, and all-around incompetence will disqualify her." Siarlys , you may apply this same description to Obama and many members of Congress, so why single out Bachmann? I sense sexist attitude in the possibility of the first female president and the Dems blowing out of proportion her migraine headaches, and it reads like this; poor little lady, when it comes time to analyze complex issues and take a leadership role in forging effective domestic and foreign policies, Prez Bachman may get an attack of the vapors/migraine and have to leave the room . Our current president just leaves the room and leaves the leadership to his czars because after all we are a republic.
And last night, Ed Schultz had the gall to say that it is the Republicans, led by Pawlenty, who are pushing the story because they are so sexist. Gallant Ed made a big point of "defending" Bachmann against the sexist Republicans. Gee, do you think Ed knows that there is a primary contest forming up within the Republicans? Does he not remember the bitter contest between Obama and H Clinton?
Just imagine anyone saying that about any male candidate! It is an attack on women candidates in both parties but it is particularly intense when it comes to Republican female candidates.
Look what they did to Sarah Palin! Whether you like her or not, it has to be admitted that the scores of reporters running up to her whole state to dig up some dirt was unprecedented. They never even mentioned until after he was elected that John Kennedy had Addison's disease and got by with a a daily regimen of steroids and other drugs.
They never vetted Obama like this. It was not even mentioned that Obama refused to release his medical records (not to mention his school record, his associations, or anything else) so it could be he has some hidden debilitating disease. This lady was up front about having migraines.
Where are all the feminist organizations? It seems they don't get exercised when women are treated differently than male political candidates ( as well as being stoned to death and beheaded in Iran or when they are raped in Africa as part of the warfare.)
They refuse to comment at all when women politicians are treated differently than male politicians. They don't seem to notice, which makes me think they are political organizations and represent only certain kinds of women.
Ah, Miggie now has reduced his notion of "the left" to me and Ingrid. He must be quaking in his boots that the two of us are a dire threat to the future of the republic.
Hey, Miggie, have you ever been to visit Lexington and Concord in New Hampshire? I didn't think so. If you've ever traveled out of La-La Land, you would find them in Massachusetts. Her notions of who was committed to ending slavery in what year also go beyond what rose colored glasses could lead one to see.
I could go on, but I don't have time to write a book. There are more worthy subjects for such an endeavor.
No Siarlys, there are way too many boobs like you and Ingrid which makes me worry about what your party will do to the country. I suppose the unemployment rate and the national debt just isn't high enough for you yet.
I came across these statistics about the gush of debt Obama is placing on the country
National Debt Increases
Bill Clinton $547 million per day
George Bush $1.6 billion per day
Barack Obama $4.1 billion per day
This is even without ObamaCare. I bet you can't wait until those who pay no income taxes at all are a majority of the electorate. THEN you'll push the unemployment compensation to say 10 years, and maybe get 150 million people dependent on food stamps. More Government! More Taxes! That's the ticket! Government knows better than anyone what you should do, what you should buy, and what you should think.
Of course you attempt to denigrate Michele Bachman. She threatens to cut off your sinecure. Not a small matter, because the more taxes, the more payoffs to special constituencies, the more votes, back to more taxes in ever increasing concentric circles.
I guarantee you that I have been to more places than you have as you have never been out of the country, probably not even beyond your school bus route.
As usual, your references to Lexington and Concord and slavery are obtuse. Maybe they make sense in your pea brain but you haven't communicated anything comprehensible to your intended recipient. That must not be your intent because you always refer to some personal free association musing that means nothing to anyone else.
What sinecure Miggie? I've never collected a dime of government subsidized money in my life. I've been without full time work for the past two years, but since I can support myself on part-time and free-lance work, I don't see why I should be collecting unemployment. There are plenty of people who need it more than I do.
As to my historical allusions, if you don't understand what I'm saying, you haven't been paying attention to what Michelle Bachmann has been saying in public. I infer therefore that you are in love with an image, being ignorant of the substance. I expected no more of you.
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