Greta Berlin- Nut job from San Francisco
Roz Rothstein and Roberta Seid of Stand With Us have written an article in the Jerusalem Post on the people involved in the recent flotilla efforts to Gaza.
I'll take this a step further. The kindest thing I can say is that some of these people are naive peaceniks who have fallen under the spell of the Palestinian activists like the founders of the International Solidarity Movement. They are the Rebeccas of Sunnybrook Farm types. They flock to the ISM and the web of other so-called peace organizations dedicated to destroying Israel. Others are simply anarchists who have it out for anything connected to western culture-that includes many who are products of western culture itself. If you did a study, probably a good majority are not too fond of the US-even though they may be American. Then there are the ultra-socialists, or should I say communists who had to find new causes and new labels after communism collapsed in eastern Europe? Some are just oddballs like the silly women up at UC Berkeley called "Women in Black."
If the day ever comes that Israel is destroyed and its inhabitants subjected to a second Holocaust, see how many tears these misfits shed. It has never dawned on them that they are supporting terrorists who are also enemies of the US.
Or has it?
Hitchens wrote a similiar article in Slate.
- wejomerv
Substantially true. There does not appear to be an independent civilian body in Gaza where supplies could be delivered directly to "help the people." If there were, I might look at this differently.
I will not, however, indiscriminately "Stand with Israel" either. The government has missed a lot of chances, that I don't think many in the Likud faction even wanted to take, and I see no reason that American taxpayers should be held hostage to whatever a foreign government chooses to do.
Israel is a sovereign nation. It has a right to determine its own policy. It has a duty to pay for its own budget and pay its own prices when it makes mistakes.
Siarlys's sympathies with the "poor Palestinians" is no surprise and is entirely consistent with the left's nexus with Islam.
Only Israel has made mistakes and lost opportunities in the past; that the US sends money to Gaza is unknown and unmentioned, etc., etc.
Siarlys is a leftie from core to circumference.
See what else you agree with here:
For all you know Miggie, I may be a square. Or a hexagon. Neither has a circumference. Your penchant for dismissing opposing viewpoints with childish and antiquated labels reminds me of a five year old chanting insults in the middle of a playground. When you grow up enough to offer a coherent rebuttal, it could be a genuine pleasure to debate with you.
Some " naive peaceniks" who fell under the spell of the International Solidarity Movement are dead. This is a dangerous organization
Those who have ignored warnings about the ISM ------(UCI, and all who give these misfits a seat at the table) --- are culpable ---- they are "in the basement" taking no responsibility, while the ISM find their prey on campuses.
All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.------
Some naive militia members who thought an amateur part-time rabble could fight the British Army at Lexington and Concord fell dead too. Did that make the Massachusetts militia a dangerous organization? Well, yes, it did, but thank God for them.
That doesn't mean I endorse naive ISM volunteers going to Gaza. But there needs to be a more precise presentation of why not. They are going into a culture and political milieu in which they are aliens, where there is no clear line-up of the people vs. the bad guys, and in fact, almost every armed faction may have reason to kill the deluded interlopers.
Good guys doing good things working with good organizations also end up dead sometimes. It is the price of freedom. Unfortunately, it can also be the price of naivete.
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