"Hello, fusion center? I just saw a Norwegian."
The timing of this is incredible. The below Daily Mail article describes Dept. of Homeland Security's politically-correct video encouraging people to turn in suspicious activity to something called "fusion centers".
"Fusion centers"!
Of course, Janet Napolitano caught a lucky streak with the terrorist attack in Norway by a blond-haired, blue-eyed Norwegian who was trying to make a statement about Muslims taking over Europe by killing over 90 people. No doubt this will lead to a rash of accusations against any person or group who speaks out against Islamic extremism/violence.
"No doubt this will lead to a rash of accusations against any person or group who speaks out against Islamic extremism/violence"
Mission accomplished!!
Why not Gary? Any time there is a vicious act of violence by a Muslim, you and Miggie argue that profiling Muslims is acceptable, because after all, the perpetrators weren't Amish. By this logic, it is time to profile Norwegians.
(Never mind that those who suffer most persistently from the jihadists are their fellow Muslims, who are closer at hand and easier to get at, but no less faithful to Islam, and, that the victims of this latest outburst were all Norwegians).
You doth protest to much sir.
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