Sam Bahour
Below is an article written in the Guardian (UK) by Palestinian activist Sam Bahour about the recent Flytilla venture to fly in activists from around the world to Israel. Bahour is identified as part of (yet another) group called Right to Enter Campaign.
Bahour is also one of the regular hosts, guides and speakers on the Olive Tree Initiative. His name appears on the OTI itineraries. According to OTI, Bahour is just an enterpreneur and businessman.
He is much more than that.
Here are a couple of links to Bahour, first his own blog ePalestine, and second, CiF Watch.
One of the myriad of organizations that Bahour is affiliated with is al Shabaka-The Palestinian Policy Network.
Here is a statement that this organization put out just this year for the Committee to Stop FBI Repression.
It's called connecting the dots.
Sam Bahour, Ladies and Gentlemen. This is the man that the Olive Tree Initiative is exposing American college students to. Don't thank me. Thank the Orange County Jewish Federation. They are major funders of this misguided venture.
And so?
Oh Gary, your word verification is "trots."
Are you a closet Trotskyite masquerading as a Republican conservative in order to undermine the discredited Stalinists so that the real socialist revolution can burst forth?
Hey, its not crazier than Karl Rove being a Chinese agent in a subtle real life replay of "The Manchurian Candidate." Only this time, the scheme is to install a clueless president who will doubt the national debt, mortgage our government to the Bank of China, leaving America so diplomatically and financially weak that we become the laughingstock of the world by 2008.
That actually happened. It's going to take President Obama eight years to pull us out of that mess.
I think I am starting to figure you out. It's all a big spoof, right? A joke?
Either that or you are a caricature of yourself.
I think you must be right, Gary. Nobody could be that bizarre naturally.
The comment about your word verification was indeed a spoof. So glad you had the insight to recognize it.
The comments about Karl Rove are, sadly, the simple truth. My poor country.
But you seem to have no answer for "And so?" That's all I would have had to say if not for the pun on the word verification, and it is all the original post deserved.
You know, don't you, that if you wear your tin foil hat down over your ears, you will be protected from all the emanations from Karl Rove, even including his plots.
No, Miggie, I didn't know that. Considering the source, I don't think I will place much reliance on it either.
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