
Monday, July 4, 2011

Norman Finklestein's New "Book"

In May 2010, the great "independent scholar with a PhD from Princeton, Norman Finklestein, spoke at UC-Irvine during the annual Muslim Student Union anti-Israel week. Since being canned by DePaul University for being something less than a respected scholar, Finklestein's full-time job is traveling from one university to another to give speeches against Israel.

In the below tape, yours truly asked Finklestein to sign a letter from several dozen Jewish faculty members at UCI asking for an end to anti-Semitic hate speech on campus brought on by the above mentioned anti-Israel events. As you will see, Finklestein answered my request by going on a long dissertation about South African jurist Richard Goldstone, he of the infamous Goldstone Report on the Gaza fighting.

Aside from the fact that his answer had little to do with my request, Fiinklestein subsequently was chagrined to learn that Goldstone later recanted said report (which everybody knew was based on the Palestinian account and completely biased against Israel in the first place.)

So where does that leave Finklestein, given his high praise for Goldstone in May of 2010? It leaves him with his latest book, a 44-page "work" devoted to "unmasking" the "secret" of why Goldstone recanted.

(Ridiculously over-priced at $4.00)

"What can be said with certainty, and what Norman Finkelstein demonstrates in these pages, is that Goldstone did not change his mind because the facts compelled him to reconsider his original findings."

So if you have 4 bucks burning a hole in your pocket, drop into your favorite alternative book store and pick up a copy of Norman Finklestein's latest piece of crackpot theory about his former idol, Richard Goldstone. Pay an extra nickel and you can get a signed copy.


Squid said...

I would rather buy a beer.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

I can think of lot's of better uses for $4, although I wouldn't blow it on a beer. When I see a copy for ten cents at a library book sale, I may pick up a copy to see what Gary was making all the fuss about.

Squid said...


I see your point. But, having sat through two of Finkelstein's speeches and I tell you, one needs a beer or two to get through them. BTW, save your money on purchasing Finkelstein material.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

That's the best excuse for having a beer I've seen in a long time Squid.

Incidentally, I'm not opposed on principle. I just don't like the taste, and I'm too lazy to acquire a taste for any vice I don't like the first time I try it. I'm happy to buy a certain lady friend a sangria.