If you haven't seen the promos for MSNBC's mad-hatter talk show hosts, you just have to watch these videos for the yuks. You would think that the Gods of Mt Olympus were speaking down to us. First (above) is Tim Geithner look-a-like Rachel Maddow lecturing us on whether America still has it in her to build something like Hoover Dam. Translation: Can we still continue to spend?

Next comes Democratic party hack turned hack commentator Lawrence O'Donnell lecturing us on the benefits of immigration.
Lawrence, I agree with everything you say. All I would add is the word "legal" to immigration. You conveniently did not mention that.
Finally, the below video is a two-for-one offer; both Ed "Butter and Egg Man" Schultz having a cup of joe in some Main Street diner in My Town, Middle America and talking to the wall and Chrissie Matthews lecturing America on that Obama "birther" debate.
Chrissie, I agree with you. Obama is just as American as I am. I get that. So let us get on to the issues, as you say. I say that Obama's policies are wrecking the country. Is that OK with you? Can I say that?
And Ed.....................................................You're just an idiot.
What a set of pompous, pontificating boobs.
Still something is missing. Olbermann.
Just not the bsame without Keith.
You can say that Gary... but you're wrong.
Maddow is absolutely correct. I would just add, that we need to specify how we are going to pay for each project. If it is really worth doing, raise taxes if necessary. If we aren't willing to pay for it, then no, let's not do it. But we may regret it.
Schultz is absolutely correct too. If Obama had recognized it sooner, he could have co-opted about two thirds of the Tea Party (which initially was mad that Wall Street was getting bailed out) while marginalizing the rest.
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