"A Discussion with Your Congresswoman"
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Saturday, July 23, 2011
1:30pm - 3:30pm
Inglewood Public Library
Gladys Waddingham Lecture Hall
101 W. Manchester Blvd.
Inglewood, CA 90301
For more information contact the Los Angeles District Office of
Congresswoman Waters at (323) 757-8900
Hey! If anybody's going, ask her why the taxpayers have to pick up the tab for the outside counsel appointed by the House Ethics Committee to defend her in her ethics trial.
If I remember correctly, a little over a decade ago, Maxine Waters blamed the crack cocaine epidemic in south central LA on a governmnet conspiracy. she accused the CIA of posing as drug dealers selling crack to residents of Los Angeles inner city, African-American community. Waters stated the CIA sold crack to her constituents because they(CIA) needed this drug deal money to fund secret ops activity in Central America. Uhm maybe I'll skip Waters town hall meeting and read the Wall Street Journal's expose of US economy on the brink of disaster for this article holds water for me.
I discussed this point one time with Amir Adel Malik Ali at UCI after he made the same charges. I pointed out to him as a retired DEA agent that it was South Americans who produced cocaine hydrochloride. It was blacks in the inner city who converted it to crack. Of course, the crowd of his supporters around me reacted as if it were a racist statement. Ali knew I was correct.
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