
Saturday, July 2, 2011

Gaza Flotilla Stalled in Greece

Finally some good news emerges from Greece. The Greeks have finally done something right. They have arrested a ship captain trying to join  the Gaza flotilla. Fox News has the happy news.

Must be part of the new austerity measures being implemented in Greece. What audacity!

Now come charges that the Israelis are sabotaging flotilla ships before they set sail. That brings to mind that funny story last year about the Israeli shark that was eating tourists off the Egyptian coast.

"It's those damn Jaws again."

In all seriousness, that might be a smart alternative to having to board those ships and be met with deadly assaults from the "peaceful activists" like last time.

As yet, there are other ships that plan to sail and break the Israeli blockade. No amount of sensible arguments from any government can break their determination. Here's one passenger, activist Greta Berlin from San Francisco.

I haven't heard whether George "Lady in Red" Galloway is on board this time.

Or maybe that great "independent scholar with a PhD from Princeton", Norman Finklestein. many interesting scenarios.

"Fire torpedo one!"

Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Squid said...

The next story may be whining from the Hamas "Resistance" that a very large wooden four story horse has been spotted at the Gaza boarder.
