Allen West Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
Oh, the fury!
In the wake of an angry exchange between Congressional Representatives Allen West (R-FL) and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (D-FL), Democrats are reacting with "shock and dismay" at West's strong words toward Wasserman-Schultz after she blasted him on the House floor..
Of course, this stuff goes on every day in Congress, but the Democrats know that West is a target they must go after whenever possible. Listen to what Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO) had to say:
"It's unfortunate," Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, D-Mo., chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus, told Fox News. He could not say whether the CBC would seek to discipline its only Republican member, but claimed lawmakers were upset the incident has brought "undue attention" to the caucus."
Of course, one can only ask where Cleaver's concern about undue attention to the Black Congressional Caucus was when Maxine Waters and Charlie Rangel were (and are) up to their necks in one scandal after another. That's just for starters.
The fact is that if West is a member of the CBC, he is obviously the most distinguished member. However, as we all know, black, conservative Republicans in the CBC are treated like skunks at the garden party.
The Democrats also know that West is a rising star in the Republican party. They know that West is one of the most popular politicians with the Tea Party-you know, those "racist white people" that the Democrats and media love to portray.
They also know that Allen West is headed eventually to the White House-unless they can stop him.
"Look, Debbie, I understand that after I departed the House floor you directed your floor speech comments directly towards me..." So she chose to excoriate West behind his back and complains when he does so to her face and the world. What a hypocrite.
It is unfortunate that Democrats would take the time of day to take notice of a loud-mouthed egotistical cretin like West. What was the advice adults used to give about children throwing a temper tantrum? Just ignore them, they'll get tired of it eventually.
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