"I'm Chris Matthews. Let's play "screwball."
Tip of the hat to Larry Elder and Media Research Center.
I picked up this story while listening to Larry Elder on the car radio this morning. The below article by Media Research Center has caught MSNBC mad-hatter, Chris Matthews, in a bold-faced lie. Matthews, on this nightly "Screwball" show played an old Ronald Reagan clip to demonstrate that he would have gone along with raising taxes to lower the debt ceiling. Problem was, he didn't play the whole clip, which would have contradicted Matthews' assertion. Dishonest journalism? You make the call.
In recent years, Matthews has really gone over the edge. No longer is there even a hint of fairness or impartiality. Virtually every evening, the hosts of MSNBC embarrass themselves in one manner or another. There should be a lottery to guess which one will be the next to be suspended or fired. Maybe it will be Chrissie based on this latest outrage.
1 comment:
Well, Reagan DID raise taxes several times. He believed in the laughter curve, but when the vast new revenues failed to appear like magic, he did know how to add and subtract, unlike the current Republican leadership. What matters more, the quality of the sound byte, or what the man did in office?
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