(Fox News)
I've been checking many of the European blogs dedicated to speaking out against radical Islamist activity to gauge their reaction to Friday's terror attack in Norway. If there is one common thread, I think it is safe to say that their reaction is one of shock and horror.
Norway, Israel and the Jews
Brussels Journal
Europe News (Germany)
Klein Verzet (Holland)
Harry's Place (UK)
Politically Incorrect (Germany)
Islam in Europe
I deny the existence of "radical" islam, because it pre-supposes the existence of a "moderate" islam. It'
s as ridiculous a concept as stating someone is a "moderate" nazi.
It does appear that this act of terror is indeed the fruit of blind, categorical, anti-Muslim propaganda, carried to its logical conclusion.
Either we are in some kind of racial or religious war of extermination, or we are not. If we are, this Son-of-Quisling is simply wiping out the weaklings among his own kind to prepare for a Gotterdamerung.
If we are not, then the broadsides about how Islam is inherently hostile to freedom and democracy, albeit with little footnotes about "good Muslims" are contributing to the atmosphere in which this sort of action can occur. He and al-Qaeda are in perfect symmetry with each other.
One thing for sure... Norwegian socialists will make sure to be armed in the future.
You raise perfectly valid points, but in a very poor manner. It is not necessary to use the term "Muslimes" to make your argument. It only weakens your argument. At the same time, I would welcome any Muslim reader to address your points.
Here are some newer takes on Breivik
The original story is almost always wrong.
Whatever the truth is about him is, he is sure to be useful as the victimization card for at least another 100 more years.
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