
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

ACT for America Responds to Media Smear

Bob Smietana is a writer for The Tennessean newspaper in Nashville. He has written a true hit piece on Act for America. In response, ACT has put out its response, which I am posting below.

This, of course, is another example of the biased and inaccurate reporting going on in our mainstream media. It is also interesting to note that Smietana took pains to identify Brigitte Gabriel by her true name, ID her husband, and point out where they live, obviously knowing that she is the object of death threats.

A couple of years back, I spoke at an ACT event in Orange County. I know many ACT members and have attended other meetings though I am not a member. The ACT moderator at every meeting I have observed makes it clear that it is not anti-Muslim people. It is against radical Islamists and any effort to bring shariah law to the US. I am perfectly comfortable with that because it reflects my own views. This is not an organization that participates or encourages any actions directed towards the Muslim people.

It appears that this article is not an op-ed, but a "news" story. In theory, opinions should be reserved for the editorial section. Yet, skillful writers like Smietana use the news pages to write articles in such a way as to leave the reader with a point of view. (I believe "slanted" is the right word.) Smietana's article is biased and inaccurate. I guess if readers want facts instead of opinions, they need to turn to the sports pages.

Let me close by making it clear; I am a supporter of ACT for America and Brigitte Gabriel.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

It is good to know that there is such responsible, insightful journalism coming out of my grandmother's native state (Tennessee), someone willing to stand up for Truth, Justice, and the American Way.

ACT-UP for America belongs in the same ash heap as George Lincoln Rockwell, for the same reasons, except the names have been changed to cater to different prejudices.

Miggie said...

Another profoundly ignorant post from Siarlys who has never been to an ACT meeting but has a false association ready to apply.
