Janet Napolitano
Director of Homeland Security and 2010 Fousesquawk "Jerk of the Year"
"OK, grannie. Drop that diaper, bend over and spread em' wide."
In a dramatic press conference, Janet Napolitano announced that TSA agents have foiled what might have been a catrastrophic terrorist attack designed to blow up a jetliner. Fox News has the breathtaking story.
While no explosive devices were discovered, Eric Holder's Justice Department is continuing its investigation to establish if the "no-fly grannie" has any links to known terrorist groups like the Minutemen or the Tea Party. One inside source, who asked not to be identified stated that "it could have been a trial run". Our sources tell us that the "no-fly grannie" is under 24-hour surveillance. National Intelligence Director James Clapper had no comment stating only that "he wasn't aware of anything".
Napolitano stated that there were a number of factors that alerted inspectors based on secret profiling techniques. Apparently, the "No-fly grannie" fit into the appropriate age, gender and ethnic profile most likely to bring down an airliner filled with people.
Thank you, Director Napolitano!!!
"Just doing my job."
Gary is opposed to intrusive security? I can't believe it!
Only in the case of 95-year-old dying grandmothers.
Squid, don't you think that Islamists are capable of finding a 95-year-old wheel chair using grandma, with fair skin? Lot's of Muslims have fair skin.
The "underwear bomber" although he flew under his own, evidently Muslim, name, could have easily passed for African American if he acquired false documents. Should Professor Sowell have his underwear searched in case he is an Islamist who stole Sowell's identity?
This is the problem with ALL such security measures. There is no end to what MIGHT happen. The employees who actually carry out orders at the point of embarkation were hired en masse, do not all think clearly, and are more afraid of being too lax than too strict.
As the bumper sticker says, the safest way to go is to "Fly Naked."
It's PC in action. Squid nailed it.
Squid pounded a nail into his own thumb. Since the underwear bomber, it has nothing to do with PC. It is all about, how far do we want to go to BE SURE?
Wrong Siarlys, Au contraire. The underwear bomber fit into several categories (profiles, if you will) that should have stopped him right at Amsterdam airport, if not sooner.
Do you want everybody to be secondaried? If not, we have to use some common sense.
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