If you have ever wondered why it takes the likes of Matt Drudge, Andrew Breitbart and the National Enquirer to break stories on Democrat scandals like Bill Clinton, Anthony Weiner and John Edwards, look no further than what is going on in Alaska as the major news media are scouring through the just-released e-mails from Sarah Palin's office when she was governor.

Even reporters from the British daily, The Guardian, are in Alaska looking for goodies.
(Question: Is is shorter to fly from London to Alaska through the Atlantic or Pacific?)
At this point, it looks that there has been one major revelation: She is ambitious (Horrors).
Here is another example of the arrogance of the media from the Orange County Register's Frank Mickadeit:
"Breitbart's is a very convincing recitation of all that is wrong with the media."
-Frank Mickadeit
To Mickadeit, what is wrong with the media is people like Breitbart. Yet, as I pointed out in my own comment to the OCR thread, it is reporters like Mickadeit who make people like Breitbart, with all his warts, necessary. Just recently, people opposed to the award given by the OC Human Rights Commisssion to local imam Muzammil Siddiqi, provided Mickadeit with all the public source information available on Siddiqi, which called into question his ":moderate" credentials. Mickadeit used about half of the information and asked a few questions to Siddiqi via e-mail and got Siddiqi's "answers" by e-mail which he printed. In effect, Mickadeit was given what could have been one of the biggest stories of his career and dropped it. Now he complains about Breitbart.
But I digress.
What is noteworthy in Alaska is that the media is bound and determined to get something on Palin to derail any possibility of her ascending to the White House. When is the last evening you can recall on MSNBC when her name wasn't mentioned at least once by the oafs who call themselves commentators? Palin is featured for attack virtually every evening on that network. Now we watch as the networks send reporters all the way to Alaska to scrounge through tens of thousands of e-mails sent by a former governor and VP candidate who may try to run for president. Happy searching.
What this means is that when it comes to Democrat scandals, it will take people like Breitbart to bring it to light while the mainstream media is still trying to dig up dirt on Sarah Palin.
Sour grapes, Mr. Fouse, and vinegar.
It is truly amazing to see the number of man hours and zeal dedicated to finding something, something at all, to discredit Sarah Palin. (There has NEVER been anything in recent history to compare to this spectacle of dumpster dumping by the press to find something on a Democrat)
Palin is an anathema to the Left and they detest her for any and all conceivable reasons, even incoherent and false ones.
Sarah Palin represents all that the Left despises... an accomplished woman who doesn't need government handouts to achieve success. She put herself through college and is not an elitist... another fatal flaw to them. She has a good record with high satisfaction polling levels from her constituents as Governor. She is an expert on energy policy, as a matter of fact.
In the meantime, we have a sitting President who has all his records sealed. None of his background is available for any review and wasn't available even in his campaign for the Presidency when the people were supposed to be making up their mind about him. And all this was not remarked upon by the adoring left wing main stream press who was not even curious about his associations.
Compare the Palin executive experience to Obama's as a community organizer. He has zero legislation sponsored by him and a record of mostly "present" votes. The votes he did cast gave Obama the honor of being the Most Left Wing person in the senate during his short career there.
And now the country is paying the price for the MSM not looking to see if there was any substance to the man at all. This is besides their covering up the Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers, Tony Resco, etc. matters. It will take years to undo the damage Obama has done with his big government solutions to every imaginable problem or rather problem that the statists perceive to be a problem that they must do SOMETHING about.
Journalists in the mainstream media have betrayed the trust that heretofore had been placed with them. They no longer publish the news, they disseminate propaganda. They filter out what isn't helpful. They aren't reporters, they are pimps.
Very well said, Miggie. Can you imagine if the media had done the indepth examination of Obama that they do on Palin.
What he have in America is a media that act as gatekeepers.
Right! Gatekeepers to keep out news that would not be "helpful." They act like Pravada did, and perhaps still does. They are agenda driven which leads to a whole new problem about how they describe a story, the words they use, the things they leave out and so on.
I had a bout (email exchange) with one of the reporters at the OC Register about their coverage on OTI and the Irvine 11 and of course it went nowhere. The email of mine she said she would have published as a letter to the editor never saw the light of day.
Thank God there are still are a few good print outlets like the WSJ, Investors Business Daily, and Commentary magazine.
It is indeed amazing that anyone wastes time trying to find something wrong with Sarah Palin. She discredits herself every time she opens her mouth. It is equally amazing that ANY media bother to cover her. Let her buy her own publicity.
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