Nonie Darwish
Nonie Darwish, an Egyptian apostate from Islam, has published an English translation of a statement by a well-known Egyptian cleric, Abu Ishak al Huweini, speaking on the topic of poverty in the Muslim world.
“We are at a time of Jihad; Jihad for the sake of Allah is a pleasure, a true pleasure. Mohammed’s followers used to compete to do it. The reason we are poor now is because we have abandoned jihad. If only we can conduct a jihadist invasion at least once a year or if possible twice or three times, then many people on Earth would become Muslims. And if anyone prevents our dawa or stands in our way, then we must kill them or take as hostage and confiscate their wealth, women and children. Such battles will fill the pockets of the Mujahid who can return home with 3 or 4 slaves, 3 or 4 women and 3 or 4 children. This can be a profitable business if you multiply each head by 300 or 400 dirham,. This can be like financial shelter whereby a jihadist, in time of financial need, can always sell one of these heads (meaning slavery). No one can make that much money in one deal (from hard work) even if a Muslim goes to the West to work or do trade. In time of need, that is a good resource for profit.”
There must be a reasonable explanation for this.
Well, what is the explanation? Why did you stop there?
It was a rhetorical statement. It concerns one issue-death for apostates. These Muslim leaders were asked to endorse a letter that would provide at least moral support for apostates in America. They refused to sign-except for two. They refused to endorse a concept-a principle that is basic to our freedoms in the US. To me, this is a story in itself.
Wrong comment to wrong post.
It was still a rhetorical statement. So what is the explantion?
Well, I could speculate Gary...
Maybe Nonie made it all up.
Maybe Nonie scoured the alleyways of Cairo, or of some more remote town, until she found someone preaching in this style.
Maybe this is what 15% of the Muslims in Egypt really believe.
Maybe this is what 67% of the Muslims in Egypt really believe.
We can all agree that the words, concepts, and attitude are despicable. What is not evident is what significance they have.
There are, after all, Christian sects which teach that everyone's wife belongs to the pastor whenever he wants her, and there is "Dominion theology" which is damn near what this character is teaching. There are many ways to interpret "I will make your enemies your footstool."
This has the same allure to unemployed young men with no visible prospects as international drug smuggling does. I bet it tickles the same parts of the brain with the same hormones.
Given your general tone and choices of emphasis, I expect you are trying to imply that this is what Islam is all about, all one billion plus Muslims in the world are just waiting to pull this one on the rest of us, and as soon as Egypt gets its new government settled, they will begin to put this plan into action.
I doubt it.
I thought maybe you would offer some explanation of what the significance of this obscure rant might be, but you haven't, so I've offered my best guesses and conclusion. Your move.
If you think NoNie mafe it up, track it down.
This guy is not an obscure cleric. If he is too obscure for you, check out the rants of Yusuf al Qaradawi. He is the spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood.
You see, to be fair, these statements are coming out of far too many mosques and madrasses world-wide. All of them? I would say no-at least I hope not. Problem is that it is out there both in thought and in deed. Do you want to ignore it?
No, I don't want to ignore it. But, I don't want to wave it around and say "This is Islam." In America, this speech could legally be delivered any day. Worse speeches HAVE been delivered under the umbrella of the First Amendment.
Also, I have noticed that educated women who have left Islam and made a career of speaking about it tend to find the worst little corners and play them up as typical, or to generalize from their personal experience in a rather misleading way.
I doubt she made it up. But I wouldn't take her word for much. And I don't know of any force, even al Qaeda, that shows much potential to implement this little man's dream.
Siarly's penned:
"No, I don't want to ignore it. But, I don't want to wave it around and say "This is Islam." In America, this speech could legally be delivered any day. Worse speeches HAVE been delivered under the umbrella of the First Amendment."
Of course you don't want the deliberate slaughter, persecution and ethnic cleansing of non-Muslim religions from Islamic states to be called Islamic either and I don't have to wonder why.
Maybe you can try blaming the kuffar victims of Islamofascism -- kinda like the Nazis used to do.
Anonymous, you not only are ignorant of history, but you don't even know how to spell kaffir. Go to school for five or ten years, and if you get good grades, maybe you can be taken seriously among adult citizens.
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