
Monday, May 9, 2011

Condi Rice Dismantles Lawrence O'Donnell

Hat tip to Hot Air

MSNBC's political hack turned talk show host Lawrence O'Donnell interviewed Condi Rice and tried to give her the third degree. Watch as Condi gives him a few pointers.

Note to Lawrence. You should not have let that tape see the light of day. You were out of your league.

1 comment:

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Two facile propagandists jockeying for position with each other. Condi is indeed the more suave and courteous of the two, but deceptive. E.g., when Saddam Hussein invaded Iran, the U.S. government was cheering him on, up our diplomatic sleeves of course.

It remains true that GWB let Osama slip away, and poured resources into a dumb war in Iraq, when he should have finished the job in Afghanistan. Then, he tried to do nation building in Afghanistan, under fire from a not fully pulverized enemy, when we should not only have finished the job, but also promptly gotten out.