
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Article on Muzammil Siddiqi by Karen Lugo

Karen Lugo is a constitutional law attorney at Chapman University. She has spoken out against the humanitarian award being presented tomorrow to Muzammil Siddiqi by the Orange County Human Relations Commission-a do-nothing semi-govenmental agency run by an empty suit hack named Rusty Kennedy at a cost to the tax-payers of $300,000 annually. Lugo has also been targeted by some fellow teachers and an assistant dean who organized student protests at Chapman trying to get her fired for her emceeing the February 13 Yorba Linda protest against two radical Muslim speakers at an event hosted by the Islamic Circle of North America. Here is an article by Lugo on the Flash Report web site regarding the Siddiqi award.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

One interesting result of the hysteria about Islam is the growing number of American conservatives lining up in support of gay rights.

I'm neither impressed with Lugo nor with Siddiqi, but regardless, her exercise of free speech is no basis to fire her. It has been said that an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind. We might add that if we fire everyone whose speech is offensive to someone, the whole world would be unemployed.

aelfheld said...

'Hysteria' about Islam?

I've seen little that qualifies as 'hysterical' or 'overwrought' when Mohammedism is being discussed - excepting of course the professional hysterics from CAIR and ISNA.