
Sunday, April 24, 2011

Tim Geithner: Our "Nascent Recovery" Needs More Debt

"Put it on the tab."

Or something like that according to Treasury Wunderkind, Tim "Turbo Tax" Geithner, as he warned Congress this week that if we don't raise the debt limit, it will endanger our "nascent recovery".

So does that mean we need to borrow more in order to recover?

Now, mind you, I ain't no Treasury Secretary (although I did use Turbo Tax a couple of years), but it seems to me that getting your economic house in order doesn't entail borrowing more money.


Bartender Cabbie said...

Nascent Recovery I think may be one of those silly media coined phrases. Kinda like "battlefield suspects."

Siarlys Jenkins said...

UNTIL we get our house in order, if we refuse to grant authority for borrowing, we may have to cut the armed forces in half or refuse to buy out troops body armor.

We WERE getting our house in order in 1999-2000. It would be a darn good idea to go back to what we were doing then, and we wouldn't NEED to ask for the debt ceiling to be raised. How many times did George Bush asked for a raise in the debt ceiling, after giving "back to the people" the revenue marked to PAY DOWN OUR NATIONAL DEBT???

Sheer hypocrisy, Gary, sheer hypocrisy.