May 5 is rapidly approaching, and that is the day Garden Grove imam Muzammil Siddiqi, friend of the Blind Sheikh, friend of Alim Musa, friend of H. Rap Brown, friend of Mousa Abu Marzook, and who knows who else-gets his "humanitarian" award from the Orange County Human Relations Commission president Rusty (the Empty Suit) Kennedy. The award will be given to "celebrate" the 40th gala anniversary of this silly agency that sucks up $300,000 annually of the tax-payers' money.
Letters have been sent to the OC Register, and columnist Frank Mickadiet wrote an initial column on the controversy. He ended off by telling us that Siddiqi had not yet responded to his telephone calls to his office requesting an interview by press time. We all expected a follow up-especially since Mickadeit failed to print the most egregious charge against Siddiqi-that he had hosted the infamous Blind Sheik Omar Abdul Rahman in 1992 and translated Rahman's fiery sermon on jihad.
To date, Mickadeit has either not received a call back from Siddiqi or chosen not to follow up on this hot potato-or both.
Kennedy, for his part, is too politically-correct to go back on this award-the biggest honor he has participated in since he reportedly went to South Africa to help fete Yasser Arafat when he won a Nobel Peace Prize.
So let the ceremony begin. This year's "Rusty" goes to.................
"Ah wunnerful, ah wunnerful, ah!"
I'm dating myself with these personal facts. My uncle as a child had to flee the Russian pograms that murdered his mother when he was only three years old. My uncle, his father and older brother emigrated to England only to confront Hitler's attack on his adopted country 25 years later. As an enlisted man, the British military dare not send my uncle oversees to fight the Germans. The British military knew if he was captured by the Nazis, he would be subjected to horrific torture then death because he was a Jew. Yassar Arafat and now Siddiqi's sycophant, Rusty Kennedy, honors persons and organizations who spew anti-semitic rhetoric that would rival Nazi Germany's anti-semitic propaganda. It angers and disgusts me that my tax dollars are used to fund Rusty Kennedy's Orange County Human Relations Commission that honors these persons and organizations that dehumanize my closest relatives.
The 2001 conference was held in Durban, South Africa, under UN auspices, from 31 August until 8 September 2001. Former Irish president Mary Robinson, then the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, presided as Secretary-General.
Entitled "World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance," the conference was discussing unfair treatment of one group against another. Significant time was focused specifically on Israeli treatment of Palestinians[citation needed], treating violations of human rights and genocide in other parts of the world secondarily.
The 2001 meeting was marked by clashes over the Middle East and the legacy of slavery, and coincided with attacks on Israel and anti-Israel demonstrations at a parallel conference of non-governmental organizations. Canada, followed by the U.S. and Israel walked out midway through the 2001 conference over a draft resolution that, in their opinion, singled out Israel for criticism and likened Zionism to racism. The European Union also refused to accept demands by Arab states to criticize Israel for "racist practices." [2]
And Rusty Kennedy of the OCHRC was a part of this
I would encourage you to share that with the OC Register. See my latest post. The Register has run away from the story.
A little research shows that Taxpayer is correct. In 2001, Kennedy did attend the notorious Durban conference that was nothing more than a lynching of Israel.
Kennedy wrote an article about Mary Robinson in a Fullerton paper lauding her for making a strong statement against anti-semitic language that was being passed around by certain NGOs. I also wrote a piece on Robinson myself not too long ago.
In spite of her admirable statement, which I mentioned, the fact is that Robinson is a strong opponent of Israel.
This begs the question; What the Hell was Kennedy doing at that conference representing the OCHRC? Did the taxpayers pay for this boondoggle trip? Maybe Frank Mickadeit can ask Kennedy since he is now giving an award to Siddiqi. On second thought, why bother? We know Frank doesn't like to stir things up. He's better sticking to his stories about bar brawls in OC.
Gary Fouse, keep up the good work exposing OCHRC under Kennedy's auspices to be at best a mislead government agency that may accomplish good works if headed by someone more competent in improving relations between a diverse society. Kennedy's modus operandi is pitting groups against each other with inflaming rhetoric and prejudiced persons who claim to be spokepersons for "oppressed" groups. A real advocate for social harmony would focus on the common thread of humanity instead of promoting the theme of us versus them. Kennedy likes to stir the pot because it causes hate crimes to increase and he uses these incidents to further justify continued funding of the OCHRC
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