
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Obama Arrogance on Parade

This week, Dallas reporter Brad Watson (WFAA) interviewed President Obama at the White House and incurred the wrath of the Annointed One.

Apparently, Obama resented being interrupted by Watson before he could finish answering a question. (Has he ever heard of Chris Matthews?) Or was it because Watson was asking some substantive questions?


Siarlys Jenkins said...

Only an ideologue looking for brownie points would find arrogance in this. The president got a little testy about being asked the same question three times. But he answered it every time. And the reporter kept his cool much better than Gary Fouse has done. Not your best day Gary, and you do have good ones, even in my seldom humble opinion.

Gary Fouse said...

I can assure you I was calm, cool and collected whern I wrote this piece.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Oh you were Gary. You are generally calm, cool and collected in your arrogance. Nothing hysterical about you, I will grant that. But an ideologue looking for brownie points you were, and the questions posed to the president were barely substantive. Repeated, they were superfluous.