Muammar Ghaddafi pontificating at the UN
("Wake up!")
In one of the greatest displays of chutzpah imaginable, the Arab League has asked the UN to declare a no-fly zone over Israel.
Of course, this fits in perfectly well with the master plan. Intelligence reveals that Hizbollah has accumulated thousands of rockets that they intend to shoot into Israel soon-including Tel Aviv. The terrorists in Gaza (Hamas) are lobbing rockets into southern Israel as we speak. Thus, a no-fly zone would prevent Israel from effectively defending itself.
What is sad is that the feckless UN, which is dominated more or less by the Organization of the Islamic Conference (which has had the chutzpah to push their "anti-defamation of (their) religion" proposed world-wide law at the UN) won't simply laugh this out of that useless building in New York. Wouldn't it be amazing if it took a US veto to shoot this plan down (no pun intended.).
What would the US do?
Well, I suppose Obama would reluctantly tell UN Ambassador Susan Rice (who detests Israel) to cast a veto accompanied by another speech harshly criticizing Israel for fighting back. That's what happened last time over the settlements issue.
Susan Rice
Meanwhile, as Middle East nations are erupting in flames, Libya is engaged in a "Battle of the Boobs" while French jets roar overhead, and despotic rulers are shooting down protesters, the Arab League has the chutzpah to call for measures censoring Israel.
Obama has to veto this. If he doesn't he loses the majority of the Jewish vote, the Jewish money, and ultimately the Presidency.
Guess who will be enforcing same said No Fly Zone?
The UN has changed dramatically in the last 60 odd years, all for the worst. It is dominated now by third world, Muslim, Arab countries all hostile to the US. The corruption and incompetence there is unprecedented.
We should get out of it. It would be better if we formed a world organization of democracies. Let the remaining despotic countries fund their own craziness.
I couldn't agree more. 20 years ago, that videa was considered crackpot. No longer.
If the surgical precision to enforce a no-fly zone over the illegal settlements in the West Bank were available, while leaving the Israeli Air Force free to fly over its own territory, and if attacked, over Hizb-i-ul-Lah positions in Lebanon, and Hamas positions in Gaza, that would be absolutely perfect.
The problem is, that's not possible. I'm not aware that there is a massive civilian protest in Israel proper, demanding that a rule of 30 years standing step aside, nor that the IDF is rolling out tanks against peaceful civilian protest in Tel Aviv. When and if that happens, the Arab League proposal should receive serious consideration.
Word verification: shema. Now that's creepy.
Oh dear, did the Arab League miss the Israeli subs? It is reported that Israelis have subs, that are super quite and can stay under water for a few weeks. These diesel-electric wonders can deliver atomic warheads to places 1500 kilometers from the sub. So, Israel may not need aircraft to deliver nukes. Fifteen-hundred kilometers and you do the math. Here is the link:
And don't forget that killer shark the Israels possess, as well as the spectral dust that Jeff Halper told us about at UCI.
Also here is recently declassified video of the Israeli Squirrel Brigade.
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