Rusty "The Wonder Hack" Kennedy
CEO OC Human Relations Commission
Today, I was one of three persons to address the monthly meeting of the Orange County Board of Supervisors. Our purpose to bring to their attention the actions of the Orange County Human Relations Commission. Specifically, the OCHRC held a meeting (previously reported) regarding the Yorba Linda protest. Based on a 5-minute doctored video of the event being circulated by CAIR, they were ready to issue a statement condemning the protest. Only at the last minute did certain members of the protest get wind of the event and attend the meeting to make their case as to what actually happened. They were also armed with their own one-hour video of the speeches that took place that day. At the end of the meeting, it was announced that the Commission would examine more documents and view the one-hour video before arriving at a decision. Then-after the public meeting was finished- they apparently come to a decision and on the wording of their resolution that night-without viewing the one-hour video version. Stand by for more on that because the above meeting may have been conducted in violation of a state regulation that governs such governmental or quasi-governmental meetings (Brown Act).
Secondly, we were there to protest the OCHRC's awarding Imam Muzammil Siddiqi a humanitarian award on May 5.
In my three-minute address to the Commission, I reiterated the facts that are outlined in my April 16 letter to John Moorlach and the other board members (previous post). The final person to speak requested the Board to re-examine their funding of the OCHRC ($300,000 a year).
The OCHRC is a do-nothing, feel-good quasi-governmental agency that is headed by an empty suit named Rusty the Wonder Hack Kennedy. Back in 2008, I wrote Rusty a letter complaining about anti-Semitic hate speech at UC-Irvine. Since I also criticized the university's lack of response, Dusty sent me back a letter outlining all the great things his bunch does and lambasting me because I criticized the university.
Basically, all this outfit does under Sparky's direction is make public statements, give awards, receive awards, and publish a booklet each year with the reported hate crimes in Orange County broken down by victim group-perpetrator group. If you like charts and graphs, Corky's booklet is for you. If you prefer substantive writing, look somewhere else.
At any rate, Rocky, today, you were the topic of discussion at the board meeting. Chew on that.
Good for you Gary. You did the right thing... again.
Apparently the Board has not responded to your testimony. I will be interested in what, if anything, they decide.
Meantime, we can agree that there are a lot of useless commissions, including this one, which have no significant purpose. It seems they essentially provide an extra platform for whoever happens to be on the commission to exercise their own rights of free speech. They can do that without appointment to a government commission, but it levels the playing field not to bother with such commissions.
Apparently, Kennedy scammed a trip to South Africa many years ago to participate in a homage to Yasser Arafat when he (Arafat) won the Novel Peace Prize.
So between Arafat and Siddiqi (with his association with Rahma), Kennedy seems to have a pretty weird idea of a humanitarian.
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