
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Will Anjem Choudary Show Up in Washington Tomorrow?

Tomorrow, a couple of extreme Muslim groups in the US, the Islamist Thinkers Society and Shariah4America, are planning to demonstrate in front of the White House to demand shariah law in the US. Supposedly, the odious British imam Anjem Choudary is to lead the protest.

The above Fox report mentions Muslim leaders Tawfik Hamid and Zuhdi Jasser as opposing the march. That is expected because they are true Muslim moderates. Their voices are welcome, but I wonder what CAIR, ISNA, ICNA and the other organizations will say. Thus far, I see nothing on their national web sites.

At this point, I have no idea whether Choudary will actually materialize. If he doesn't, I don't expect the above two groups to turn out many people. If they do, it would be a catatstrophe for the American Muslim population at large. Such a demonstration demanding sharia would enrage millions of Americans.

I understand there will be a counter-demonstration. I hope that is the case. America needs to send a loud and clear message to Choudary and his vile cohorts.

We are not Europe.

* Liberty Alliance has asked me to post this information:


Press Conference:

Liberty Alliance Coalition to Hold Press Conference

Warning of Threat of Shariah Law to the Constitution


Final list of speakers to be announced Thursday morning


Lafayette Park, Southeast Corner

Pennsylvania Avenue

Washington, DC


Thursday, 3 March, 12:00 noon

Americans must call upon President Obama to

denounce SHARIAH - any time, any place in America

"Moderate Muslims" must make their voices heard, NOW!

Make this situation a "teachable moment" to inform America about the

destructive system of Islamic law known as - SHARIAH

Make this situation a "teachable moment" to inform America about the

destructive Islamic organization known as the - MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD


Siarlys Jenkins said...

"Threat of Sharia law"?????????

What paranoid fools. Allowing any legal status to Sharia law as binding civil code would of course totally supplant the constitution, and so long as the constitution remains in effect, is barred by the First Amendment.

But what's the threat? A handful of loud mouthed bigots parading in front of the White House? They don't amount to one quarter the strength Frank Collin mustered in Skokie, and we all know what a threat he was to the constitution.

Gary Fouse said...


What threat to Germany did Adolf Hitler and his beer hall brawlers pose in say, 1922?

Could we have predicted the collapse of the Soviet Union in say, 1985?

Who was predicting the fall of Mubarak in Egypt in 2009?

Use your noggin, Siarlys.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Hitler was strong enough by 1923 to attempt a revolution in the streets, albeit a failed one. The crowd that most closely resembles those mesmerized by Hitler, economically, socially, etc., are ranting about the dangers of Sharia. (Present company excepted). Hitler won a plurality of the Reichstag in a national election before getting into position to perpetrate a complete takeover. He could dominate the streets of whole cities.

The worst these nut-jobs have done is dominate one block, at prayer time, and that was in Europe. Hitler called to the dominant ethnic group to purge its minorities. This is a miniscule minority demanding to rule a very electorally experienced majority. No tail this small is going to wag so large a dog.

Re-read William L. Shirer's , then read your favorite bed time story about al Qaeda. How many countries has al Qaeda taken over?

The most interesting news commentary on the revolution sweeping the Arab world is that al Qaeda is totally left out. It's not leading, it's not the inspiration for what's happening on the street, and nothing much is going its way, except possibly one fraction of the disorganized opposition in Yemen. Now that's something to celebrate.

Gary Fouse said...

"The crowd that most closely resembles those mesmerized by Hitler, economically, socially, etc., are ranting about the dangers of Sharia."

Absurd. The crowd that most closely resembles the Hitler crowd are those proclaiming shariah in the West. They are the ones trying to take over something. We are not trying to take over anything, merely protect the rights we enjoy.

In short, Siarlys, you got back-asswards.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Gary, when you find that your exclamations are pithier than your facts, you should stop and take a reading on your location.

Hitler's support base were not recent immigrants to Germany, not particularly evangelical in a religious sense, but were well established, respectable, middle class business owners, pious Lutherans, military officers, (he already had Ludendorf for the Beer Hall Putsch), nationalist-minded patriots of various stripes.

The only thing that the National Socialist German Workers Party had in common with the advocates of a world wide caliphate is visceral hatred for Jews. The reasons, however, are almost entirely unrelated. Both wrong, but unrelated.