Today at UC-Irvine several dozen students held a protest that was directed at the recent Yorba Linda demonstration and the King hearings. The theme was, "Today I am a Muslim too." The Orange County Register has a report. ( I was not present. I was teaching a class.)
Here is my reaction:
(Europe News)
(Gates of Vienna and Vlad Tepes)
"Today I am a Coptic Christian too."
"Today I am an adultress too."
"Today I am a homosexual too."
"Today, I am a Jew too."
"Today I am a Baha'i too."
Were there any such posters or statements present today at UC-Irvine?
Apparently not.
During the Christmas season in 2001, I went out of my way to buy the Eid stamps (among others), figuring it was a good thing for an American to do that year. Some years since I have gotten them, some years not. "Today I am a Muslim too"? Well, that's half of an introductory sentence. Now, if the young man would complete an introductory paragraph, then proceed to present a complete essay, I might know what he is talking about.
If you are an English teacher, Siarlys, then you should insist on a complete essay.
If you have half a brain, you should be able to ascertain the thesis.
It is disappointing that the OC Register article does not mention that Malik Ali was one of the keynote speakers at the event in Yorba Linda.
Knowing that Malik Ali was the keynote speaker at the event does not excuse the behavior of the people at the protest filmed in the CAIR video but maybe some students would have included him when they were speaking out against hate....maybe.
We're lucky Malik didn't come to speak yesterday and insult the Jews again.
Oh, I could make a good guess what the young man is trying to say Gary. But in political discourse, as in most aspects of life, I believe people who are trying to make a statement should be held accountable for some clarity and evidence of thought. You miss a lot of opportunities to set these jerks back on their haunches by rushing into moral outrage and making them feel bigger than they really are.
We know the agenda of the Islamists. Present the distorted facts of local events and try to manipulate the thinking of the locals. This is getting very old. The very minor negative words used by one or two citizens in Yorba Linda counter protest are mild in relation to the anti-America, anti-Semitic, anti-Jew, anti-Constitution raucous rants by Malik Ali, who spoke at the Yorba Linda event.
Similarly, the Saul Alinsky style protests regarding the UCI 11, at the Santa Ana court house, by Islamist supporters, is getting old. The UCI 11 will be prosecuted! Nor all the Islamist piety erase a word or all your tears wash out a line of the DA's case against First Amendment violations by the MSU disruptors.
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