Y'all thought I was nuts, right?

"Yeh, Ah did."
Well think again.
I note that the UN body involved is the Commission on the Status of Women, which includes that progressive nation called Iran.
“Oral sex, masturbation, and orgasms need to be taught in education,” Diane Schneider told the audience at a panel on combating homophobia and transphobia. Schneider, representing the National Education Association (NEA), the largest teachers union in the US, advocated for more “inclusive” sex education in US schools, with curricula based on liberal hetero and homosexual expression. She claimed that the idea of sex education remains an oxymoron if it is abstinence-based, or if students are still able to opt-out."
"Tell me more."
"Comprehensive sex education is “the only way to combat heterosexism and gender conformity,” Schneider proclaimed, “and we must make these issues a part of every middle and high-school student’s agenda.” “Gender identity expression and sexual orientation are a spectrum,” she explained, and said that those opposed to homosexuality “are stuck in a binary box that religion and family create.”
Can't make this stuff up, folks.
And why not? They have already instituted it in the UK, and the results have been impressive indeed.
With Obama running things and Kevin Jennings in the Department of Education, the stars are aligning themselves right for State Sponsored Masturbation.
That's right.
Here's how I see this playing out. Kevin Jennings becomes the Masturbation Czar. He sets up separate agencies to oversee masturbation, orgasms oral sex, plus fisting-in which he is reportedly an expert. The acronyms will be FBM (Federal Bureau of Masterbation), FBO (Federal Bureau of Orgasms), FBOS (Federal Bureau of Oral Sex) and OFF (Office of Federal Fisting).
Who is Kevin Jennings, you ask?
You don't wanna know.
At the same time, every public university in the country will institute a departmental chair for Masturbation Studies. Each department will offer doctoral level courses not only in masturbation, but masters programs and minors in orgasms and oral sex. Where will qualified professors come from, you ask? Well, for starters, there is that guy at Northwestern who just recently brought in some couple to demonstate their sex toy for his class. Plus, I figure about half of the faculty at UC Santa Cruz (America's Wackiest University) will be happy to make a career move, so to speak, especially since that Community Studies department went belly-up (no pun intended).
"And now, Dr Newman, Dean of the Dept. of Masturbation, will hand out the diplomas to our graduates."
But like every sound educational plan, training begins in childhood. (University courses will specialize in those students who are following a professional career path.) Ideally, according to Ms Schneider, classes should begin in middle school and progress right through high school.
That's the NEA, folks, the nation's largest teachers union. They and the UN know what is best for our children.
Fundamentally I am opposed to sex education in school, that said, since most parents are not capable of talking openly with their children about sex, and everything that it involves, like love, self esteem, health, emotions and responsibility they gave up the chance and allowed the schools to take over their responsibility. Masturbation is part of sexuality, and if girls would be taught that this is a way for them to achieve sexual gratification they might not fall for some inept guy who is only thinking of himself. Boys were always able to get away with it because it comes easier to them. I think a lot of men don't want women to masturbate because it "takes away from them". So it is only appropriate to teach about it, it is part of being human unless you want to do away with the whole matter of sex education in school.
As a parent, I would like to keep the responsibility for deciding when my kids are ready to hear about that stuff. If I can't maintain that right then the question has to arise-who do children belong to-the parents or the state.
Remember the Hitler Youth and Bund Deutsche Madel? (I know you do)They had different purposes, but the philosophy was the same-the kids belong to the state.
Saying that kids should get comprehensive sex education means that "kids belong to the state" is absurd in the highest degree.
We need an educated populace, and when people don't know the basics about sex, it affects all of society. People don't live in bubbles.
Your reaction strikes me as rather prudish and Victorian at best.
"Your reaction strikes me as rather prudish and Victorian at best."
If you only knew.......
Well, I think we have identified one area where we can achieve some modest cost savings from our school district budgets, as well as the state and federal education budgets. Unfortunately, I doubt that it would make a significant pin-head of difference in the size of the national debt.
On principle, we all agree that some form of education should be compulsory. If that is the case, then when someone says "This should be part of compulsory education," we need a more precise principle than "This is for parents to decide" in order to decide, no, THIS subject is NOT part of compulsory education.
I do rather doubt that girls need to be taught how to masturbate, as distinct from boys to whom it comes naturally. Even if true, I see no basis for compulsory education to serve up "the pursuit of happiness" on a silver platter. Some happiness you have to pursue for yourself.
I'm not sure it would be a bad thing to remove sex education from the curriculum. By the time my junior high school phys ed teacher explained the basic mechanics, every boy in class knew what it was, and was just waiting to hear him say it.
I would suggest that compulsory education should include only those matters on which no significant difference of opinion exists, but then we have AIG denying evolutionary biology and Gary Fouse denying global warming, and there's a well educated math teacher who offers proof that 0.999999 equals 1.
No thanks, I would rather discuss
this with my kids which we did at the proper time. Last thing I want is some progressive, libtard, enlightened jack ass telling my kids, or any kids this stuff in school. I have seen sex ed in our schools and what a waste of funds.
Kevin Jennings? Isn't he friends with the other pervert Arne Duncan?
A perfect example of what is wrong
with the UN and why we should dump all funding of this worthless
dung heap of an organization and kick them out of the USA for good.
If you do teach sex education in school, which I already said I don't really support, then you have to do it right and all the way. Siarlys, girls don't need to be told how to masturbate, but that it is alright to do it. I know that from working at California Youth Homes where many girls thought it is wrong to touch themselves but went ahead and had sex with the wrong boy. If they could learn that it is okay to take the sexual pressure off on their own, they wouldn't fall as easily. For girls it's not basic machanics. I think that is one subject again where you males have no clue but an opinion.
I'm intrigued by the possibilities of Ingrid and Focus on the Family getting together with Abstinence Only Masturbation Before Marriage sex education. On the one hand, that may sound sarcastic. On the other hand, taking her position at face value, and as a male I indeed have no clue, it all goes together.
People who find sex education unseemly should remember that for most of human history, children observed farm livestock mating from the time the kids were old enough to walk around. Further, most homes in human history, the kids had opportunities to peer through the cracks between the floorboards and what mommy and daddy were up to. It is only in the modern world with improved sanitation, urbanization, and strict building codes, that we have to think about how kids are to be instructed, or have serious conversations with them.
Maybe we should send pre-pubescents to camps near farms during mating seasons, then have classroom discussion in the fall.
Spoken like a real man, Siarlys.
I knew a man once who observed chickens mating and learned from the rooster it takes only a minute to get on and off. So much for farm animal education.
I am having fun with this.
Siarlys, your idea sounds like a good one, but then Focus on the Family would start to protest all of the homosexuality that's being committed by the farm animals!
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