The hapless James Clapper (Director of National Intelligence).......
.... has gotten himself in another mess. This week he testified that in his (humble) opinion, he thinks Libyan leader Muammar Ghadafi will prevail. Of course, we all know that Ghadafi cannot possibly prevail because President Obama has stated that he must step down.
"I don't know."
In addition, poor old Jim also said that he guessed Russia and China were our most "mortal enemies" (you know, those countries Obama has been trying like heck to improve relations with). Smooth move, Jim.
Now, Lindsey Graham (R-SC) wants Clapper to resign or be fired.
"Lindsey Graham??!!?"
Later, Obama's National Security Adviser Tom Donilon disagreed with Clapper's remarks, suggesting it was a "static and one-dimensional analysis".
"Static and one-demensional"
But you know what? Unless somebody steps in, Ghadafi probably will prevail. At least that's the way it looks on the ground now. Unless somebody enforces a no-fly zone or supplies weapons to the opposition, things are not looking so good. Clapper may be right (for the first time in his life).
Maybe Obama should issue another call for Ghadafi to step down. What do you think, Jimbo?
"I don't know."
My my! I feel so safe with Clapper at the head of our National security. Not! Time to put Clapper in the crapper.
Is the POTUS listening?
President Obama was under so much pressure to prove he "wasn't a socialist" and was "responsible" and "mature" and "not a radical" that he surrounded himself with run-of-the-mill old school people with The Right Credentials and no ability to deliver "change." Very sad. He should have just said "I was elected to overhaul the status quo, not to prove to all the critics that I could perpetuate it." The "Tea Party" got its initial traction because there were people who "wanted change," not passive leftists by any means either, who were willing to jump from one ship to another simply trying to find SOMEONE who would deliver "change." The Tea Party turned out to be a network of old-school establishment political advisers too. What next?
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