The poster reads:
"You have had your revolution. Stay home."
Tuesday March 1, 18:30 Tunisian Consulate 18 Avenue des Fleurs
Gallia Watch has posted a disturbing report on the influx of illegal immigrants pouring into France and Italy as a result of the turmoil in Tunisia and Libya. Note that Tunisia and Libya are former colonies of France and Italy respectively. France already has a large and long-standing population of people from Tunisia, Morocco and Algeria (The Maghreb). The tone of the report is clearly anti-immigrant (anti-illegal immigrant). The message of the resultant protest in France is that the Tunisians, now that they have had their revolution, should stay/return home and rebuild their country. Here is the link.
It would be quite simple to dismiss the protesters as racist xenophobes. Yet, this is just another example of how the immigrant wave is now causing real turmoil and anger in Europe. It is beyond dispute that many of those people in France are causing a dramatic increase in crime. Many, if not most, are not good prospects for assimilation into French society. Even before the turmoil began in those countries, France was reeling under a wave of immigrant crime and refusal to assimilate. And since most of the people involved are Muslim at a time when Islam is undergoing a rise in militancy world-wide, the religious issue is front and center. The French currently believe that their country is being taken over. On this linked article, you can (once again) see Muslims taking over French streets to conduct their Friday prayers (this time in Marseilles).
Is it racist? If you say "yes", then what is the solution? What should the French people do or not do? What should they say or not say? Should they simply let it all happen and accept that they will become a minority in their own country-forced to live under the dictates of the immigrants?
I would submit that this is not how immigration is supposed to work. Properly controlled by the host country, immigration is a positive force, as we have seen in America. Yet the host country must be the judge of how many enter and who enters. Once it loses that power, immigration becomes abused and a negative force. We are now seeing the effects of that on our southern border, which we do not control. Thus, along with millions of simple folks just looking for work, we have also received criminals, gang members and drug traffickers, who not only make the border dangerous, but have made our cities dangerous as well.
This is a dilemma that countries like France face today. The populace has had enough. They want their country back. They want their safe streets back. Yes, there are lots of innocent people fleeing the chaos at home and looking for refuge and work. Many would, if given the chance, contribute something to French society. They should not have to be scorned by the French people. However, fairly or unfairly, they will be marked by the stigma of those who come to France and contribute nothing but problems.
So call it racism, xenophobia, Islamophobia or whatever you will. But what is the solution?
Yeah, that's what the Know-Nothings used to say about the uncouth Roman Catholic Irish immigrants. Somehow, our country survived. Theirs will too.
Let it be recorded that Siarlys has no solution.
Finally! Somebody asked me what should be done. Glad you asked. I can give you generalities but you will have to fill in the details.
First of all, the problem has to fully understood and appreciated by all, particularly the French. Given the French notorious lack of will and inclination toward surrender, this will be the toughest part. The French Intelligentsia and Left have to be convinced that their highly valued French language and culture is on life support. Hopefully, they will then support the actions that have to be done.
Simply put, the government must close immigration and then reward good behavior and severely punish bad behavior. Those affected must come to understand that things will be better for them in Tunisia or other African countries than in France and then they will eventually immigrate back on their own. They have to appreciate just how foreign and repulsive their culture is to their host country.
Every crime committed by an immigrant should include a mandatory expulsion back to country of origin. Hopefully, the family will follow on their own. "Every" crime includes shoplifting and jay walking as well as unlawful assembly (rioting) and car burning. Every enterprise that some police official determines is undesirable should be scrutinized for all tax and zoning violations as well as for the plumbing and electrical codes. All welfare payments should be scrutinized with the same criteria.
The second and third generation immigrants are as big a problem but I'm confident some criteria can be established within the law that will get rid of the desirables among them. Given the will, the French should be come up with some legislation that will accomplish the national goal.
There may well be some bad precedents set but you have to deal with the current crisis first. Unless they do something drastic about the situation now, France will be a Sharia compliant, Muslim country in the foreseeable future.
BTW, this "They have to appreciate just how foreign and repulsive their culture is to their host country." would work at UCI as well, IMHO.
Well, Miggie has a "solution." Is that what you were looking for Gary? Hitler also had a "solution." In fact, as I recall, he called it "The Final Solution." Be careful what you wish for, you might get it.
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