This time, the tides turned on Normie as about 200-300 community members came out to hear him drone on with his old story about how bad Israel is (Norm is a one-trick pony). Suffice to say, unlike the young students, these folks were not buying it. Norm knew he had opposition when he stepped to the mike. Listen in his introduction as he insults the audience by comparing them to a Saturday night bingo crowd.
Note: I suggest you focus on parts 1, 2, 5 and 6. If you want to punish yourself by listening to the entire speech, be my guest. The last two parts are the Q and A, where things get interesting.
In the below section, Normie takes questions. I ask him if he will sign an open letter by some 60 Jewish teachers at UCI asking for an end to hate speech at the MSU events. Watch as he worms out of it by going on a long monologue about Richard Goldstone.
Then things get reaaaaly good as Norm takes exception to a student calling him "Norm". That sets off a Jewish woman who goes on a tirade and has to be restrained from charging the podium. She accuses the ever-gallant Norm of calling her "a cow".
All in all, Finkelstein had a bad day at UC-Irvine. Hopefully, he will be back for more punishment this coming May.
Hmmm, what is "independent scholar"?. Is this term a code word for I can't find a job on a U.S. university campus, because know one will touch me with a ten-foot pole?
I did listen to some of the videos, as I almost died of terminal boredom when listening to Norm Finkelstein at UCI. Not heeding a suggestion to bring reading material, I was forced to sit through this verbal pool of liquid putridity. As far as the Goldstone report, it has been summarily trashed on the rocks of truth. Can't wait to hear Norm, so I can ask the Goldstone question: How did you handle the trashing of the Goldstone report?
Sounds like he's played out. I have a deal to offer: we'll send you Scott Walker, if you promised to keep him in California.
*Flattered* I never make friends at these events :(
Matan Lurey,
According to the SJP facebook announcing the Feb 28 sjp event at uci, you are on the attendee list as definitely attending. This is an event hosting Jewish pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel speakers including Jewish voice for peace.
Matan: Are you a member of Students for Justice in Palestine at UCI?
Gary, I'd appreciate if you emailed me instead of trying to publicly defame me.
I'm not a member of SJP, they won't even let me be a part of there Facebook Group (Banned me), List Serv (Removed me), or meeting (Won't tell me where the meetings are anymore).
I will be attending the event. I encourage you and others to email me for more information (such as, why I am attending, what I will do). I am not part of the program, and I am obviously very much opposed to JVP.
Thank you for clearing that up. I accept your word (and I am not trying to defame you.) I was merely asking a question because your name appears on their facebook page as attending.
Gary, you don't seem to understand how Facebook or its event pages work. Matan being on a list of people attending is the equivalent of an RSVP. Like he said, it doesn't indicate that he is a part of the program.
You're a little late. I have already stated that I accept Matan's explanation.
Squid, if you look in any library reference work, you will find in the back that it generally contains a list of contributors. Most have jobs at universities and such, which are listed. Those who don't are listed as "Independent Scholar." It means they don't have a university job, but they have produced acceptable quality work which the editors approved.
Of course, outside of that context, anyone can call themselves an "independent scholar." As always, by their works shall you know them. We would all agree that there are people who have found jobs on U.S. campuses that none of us would touch with a ten foot pole. You have to check on their works too.
finkeldick is a fraud with a huge inferiority complex.
his phd isnt worth the paper it is written on.
this man, with supposedly a brilliant mind, incessantly repeats the same inane talking points at everyone of his lectures....and damn the truth.
for do we know that israel is working outside of international law? because every year in november, the un votes that israel must withdraw to the pre 67 borders (never mind that before 67 there were no borders...only an armistice line) and only america and a few other countries vote against the resolution.
yup....the same un that for years has ignored human rights violations in member countries such as syria, iran, jordan, libya, egpyt...etc.
the same un that has a joke of a human rights commission (that norm likes to quote from) that has those same countries as members
in recent talks, norm had the audacity to state that even if israel doesnt believe hamas regarding any so-called peace intitiative, they should call their bluff.
shoot...why not...norm doesnt live in israel and doesnt have to worry about a rocket hitting him or his family.
the man isnt even an independent scholar...he is a propagandist and a jew hater.
bacci40 has demonstrated a quality of writing that matches the intellectual rigor of Norman Finkelstein. Perhaps we could lock the two of them in a small efficiency apartment for the next year or so. They deserve each other.
I call it the "Huis Clos" solution, or in English translation "No Exit." It's inspired by a Sartre play where three people who violently get on each other's nerves find that they are condemned to spend eternity sharing a small hotel room after death.
In the past, I have suggested that Det. Mark Furman and O.J. Simpson would also be a good pair. After Fred Goldman proposed amending the rule about unanimous jury verdicts (which wouldn't have made one whit of difference in the O.J. trial), I thought about tossing him into the mix also.
Siarlys Jenkins
i neither fancy myself a writer or a scholar.
im a techie with an opinion
and you are a self righteous nit, who instead of attacking said opinion, attacked my writing style.
finkledick is a fraud, who has never done original research.
a self proclaimed expert on the middle east, yet he neither reads or writes arabic or hebrew.
care to point out where im wrong in stating that each one of his speeches is a rehash of past ones?
am i wrong about him repeating ad nauseum that stupid vote in the un?
sorry...i dont take kindly to pseudo intellectual creeps
maybe you and he are the ones who should share a room
you dick
Regarding Richard Goldstone...
Regarding Richard Goldstone...
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