Stand With Us has sent me a message regarding the Muslim Brotherhood, which I am cross-posting. These are some important facts to remember about this organization which may be running Egypt very soon.
You will hear many claims in the weeks and months to come that this is a moderate organization that condemns terror. The truth is that they now use legitimate political means and the freedoms of the West to advance their goals. Though they deny having a presence in the US, they are connected to virtually every radical organization there is. In fact, they spawned most of the organizations that we all recognize as terrorist and terrorist supporters. Their goal is an Islamic caliphate world-wide.
Here is more based on an interview with the Japanese media by the Brotherhood's second-in-command. The article is by Jonathan Halevi. (Hat tip to Europe News (DK)
Keep in mind also that when Obama spoke in Cairo, he invited representatives of the Brotherhood to attend. He is now pooh-poohing the power that the Brotherhood has and their ability to take over the Egyptian government. He is hopelessy naive.
Obama is either hopelessly naive, as you suggest, or as I believe, ultimately perfidious... deceitful and untrustworthy. It is not that he wants harm to come to America, it is more that his disposition and convictions are statist. It will be ruinous to us both domestically and in foreign affairs.
The deceit is by covering his big government solutions with words that are designed to defuse and deflect the true import of the actual policies.
The Brotherhood will probably draw about 15-20% of the vote in a free election. Egyptians aren't all, not even a majority of them, naive pietists easily led down primrose paths.
The problem with using democratic means is, then you have to continue catering to voters. In the case of Iran, Khomeini didn't come to power by democratic means, he simply allowed a democratic process to play out on a little stage, which he could dismantle whenever he wished. The MB's wish they had it so good. They don't.
Cut the paranoia. Transformation is happening in Egypt. The only real question is what form it will take. All this hand-wringing bids fair to bring about all your worst nightmares.
Oh, I just noticed a cartoon with this excellent analogy:
Uprising in the colonies! People defy a king and demand their rights!
"These protests must remain peaceful. No looting of his majesty's tea."
"King George is flawed, but he provides REGIONAL STABILITY."
"The revolution will be hijacked by RADICAL CALVINISTS who will force us all to wear GIANT PILGRIM HATS!"
I usually agree with Siarlys but this Gallup poll is not encouraging.
In Egypt in 2007, 64% think Sharia must be the only source of legislation
No, that's not encouraging. On the other hand, many polls in America support the arcane notion that this is a "Christian nation" and that our constitution is only suitable for a "Christian people" based on Biblical foundations.
The truth is, our form of constitutionalism draws on both the Protestant Reformation and the Enlightenment, which probably would have been impossible itself without the Reformation.
So, the real question in Egypt is, what does Shariah law provide for? Gary can whip up an ominous lurid picture of the worst scenario that could plausibly be supported by citations from the Qu'ran. Shireen Qudosi could do that too, or, she could cite Shariah to support her way of thinking.
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