
Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt

The below video has just been produced by the Florida Security Council and features FSC director Tom Trento with an interesting and alarming update on the Muslim Brotherhood. I urge readers to watch the tape, and if you have not already done so, start researching the history of the Muslim Brotherhood and its connection to radical elements within Islam today.

Meanwhile, our esteemed Director of National Intelligence, a boob named James Clapper, tells us that the Brotherhood is just a heterogenous, secular  organization that eschews violence and has denounced Al Qaeda......

Blah blah blah, woof woof woof, quack quack quack.

This is the same "Director of National Intelligence" who was the last one in the US Government to know about the arrests of  12 terror suspects recently in Britain.

1 comment:

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Like the Democratic Party, which was an unstable coalition of northern ward bosses and southern KKK types, before the latter switched parties, and the Republican Party, some of whom were prepared to confirm President Obama's nominations to the Supreme Court, the Muslim Brotherhood has suffered the inevitable deviations from orthodoxy that come with trying to broaden their base. They are still dangerous, but not monolithic. It is one of the pleasant ironies of politics. We should hope that it afflicts them a great deal, and that the prospect of the actual responsibility of power might cause them to fracture. We should hope that the same happens to both major parties on our nation.