Hat tip to American Thinker, Patriot Action Network and Patriot's Corner
Lloyd Marcus is a black conservative and Tea-Partier who has written a column appearing on the Patriot Action Network and American Thinker. He is commenting on how he views Black History Month and how he would like to see it celebrated.
I am always happy to cross-post articles by black conservatives. They are some of the most courageous and intellectually stimulating people this country can produce simply because they are not afraid to go against the grain and absorb the insults from the left-especially blacks on the left. I appreciate his comments, but unfortunately, I fear his message will not be heard on many university campuses during Black History Month.
Marcus does not deny what we all know is our past; he has personally experienced it. He simply believes in the basic goodness of people in general and acknowledges the contributions of many whites to the Civil Rights Movement.
Since Keith Olbermann is no longer on the air, I may never know how he feels about people like Marcus. Would Olbermann refer to Marcus as a "slack-jawed tea-bagger"?
1 comment:
Dr. Carter G. Woodson wrote that if what was then called Negro History was done well, there would eventually be no need for Negro History Week, the forerunner of Black History Month. Once all the events and persons and accomplishments that had been carefully whitewashed out of history were restored, it would be complete history. People designated as black have never lived a distinct and separate history, even though various forms of legal and social segregation have produced some distinct subcultures.
I think it is great that people with dark skin who happen to be politically conservative can stand up and say so. They may be wrong, but everyone is wrong about something. Their skin color need not dictate what brand of wrong they choose to be.
Hyping about how the Republican Party ended slavery is kind of lame. The Republican Party lost black voters because it turned them over to the tender mercies of the KKK in 1877, flubbed the Great Depression, and, when the Democratic Party fully committed itself to a civil rights platform, welcomed the die-hard racist wing of the Democratic Party with open arms.
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